Read Me Out Loud: A Poem for Every Day of the Year (平装)

出版时间:2007年08月  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books  作者:Nick Toczek  


"Read Me Out Loud" contains a poem for every day of the year from the very best modern and classic poets. There are raps, performance poems, chants, playground rhymes, action verses, poems to join in with, choral poems, poems from different cultures, monologues, dialogues, poems for a series of voices, songs, playlets, loud poems and quiet poems, poems with sound effects and poems with actions you can read them any way you want as long as it is Out Loud! This work includes poems from James Carter, Lewis Carroll, Charles Causely, Paul Cookson, David Harmer, Roger McGough, Gareth Owen, Roger Stevens, Nick Toczek, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Kit Wright and many, many more.



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