Goosebumps: One Day at Horrorland (平装)

出版时间:2005年08月  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks (2005年8月1日)  作者:R L Stine  


The next ride might be their last. . . . The Morris family got lost trying to find Zoo Gardens Theme Park.  But that's okay.  They found another amusement park instead.  It's called HorrorLand. In HorrorLand there are no crowds.  No lines.  And the admission is free.  It seems like a pretty cool place. But that was before that heart-stopping ride on the deadly Doom Slide.  And that terrifying experience in the House of Mirrors. Because there's something weird about the rides in HorrorLand. Something a little too creepy.  A little too real . . .



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