Frommer蒙特利尔与魁北克市旅游指南,2008Frommer's Montreal & Quebec City 2008

出版时间:2007-10  出版社:Pap/Map (2007年12月17日)  作者:Leslie Brokaw  页数:308  


Frommer's. The best trips start here.     Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer.   The lowdown on the newest restaurants, hotels, shopping, and nightlife.   Outspoken opinions on what's worth your time and what's not.   Exact prices, so you can plan the perfect trip whatever your budget.   Off-the-beaten-path experiences and undiscovered gems, plus new takes on top attractions.


List of Maps. What’s New in Montréal & Québec City. 1 The Best of Montréal & Québec City. 2 Planning Your Trip to Montréal & Québec City. 3 Suggested Montréal & Québec City Itineraries. 4 Getting to Know Montréal. 5 Where to Stay in Montréal. 6 Where to Dine in Montréal. 7 Exploring Montréal. 8 Montréal Strolls. 9 Montréal Shopping. 10 Montréal After Dark. 11 Side Trips from Montréal. 12 Getting to Know Québec City. 13 Where to Stay in Québec City. 14 Where to Dine in Québec City. 15 Exploring Québec City. 16 Québec City Strolls. 17 Québec City Shopping. 18 Québec City After Dark. 19 Side Trips from Québec City. Appendix: Montréal & Québec City in Depth. Index.



    Frommer蒙特利尔与魁北克市旅游指南,2008Frommer's Montreal & Quebec City 2008 PDF格式下载

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