Trust On Trial: How The Microsoft Case Is Reframing The Rules Of Competition (精装)

出版时间:2000年04月  出版社:2000-04-04 (2000年4月4日)  作者:Richard B. Mckenzie  页数:281  


An incisive argument proving that current rules of business competition are rendered obsolete by the dynamics of information-age companies   The Microsoft antitrust case is, and will remain, an event of historic proportions. It is a case that has very publicly pitted the legal power of the United States government, the free world's undisputed leader, against the legal power of the Microsoft Corporation. Antitrust on Trial presents dramatic and compelling reasons to recast our view of modern monopolies and rewrite the rules of business with regard to the new economy companies that hang in the balance. This groundbreaking book argues cleanly and convincingly that antitrust law-the variety being tested in the current landmark case-is useless in today's landscape where technology is changing the accepted standards of business.   The author, a notable economist and professor at the University of California at Irvine, conducted a year-long study of the Microsoft antitrust case as the basis for this book. An exceptional narrative of new-economy business practices and an analysis of the most important antitrust case of the last half-century, Antitrust on Trial presents conclusions that will surely affect business here and abroad for decades to come.


PrefaceThe Nation's Major Antitrust Laws1  From Railway Time to Internet Time2  Monopoly Mantra3  Little Linux4  Digital Predation5  Digital Switching6  Innovative Thinking7  Mud Farming8  Politics 1019  Politicizing Antitrust10 Antitrust IroniesAppendixⅠAppendixⅡNotesIndex




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