The 28 Day Plan-Flat Stomach 28天美体计划

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:32  


Have you striven for years to attain a well-toned lean stomach, tried every diet imaginable, and suffered a daily ritual of sit-ups? If the answer is yes, then this book is just what you have been looking for, showing how to achieve this aim within just 28 days Find out how to regain a flat stomach through exercise and healthy eating  Features a week-by-week plan with daily schedules to make this an achievable aimContains easy-to-follow exercises to practice at home or in the gym  Offers sensible advice on which foods to avoid and what to indulge in  To help you complete the program, there are lots of ideas for pampering body and soul  A 28 day plan for every woman to follow, whatever her lifestyle


You Can Have A Flat StomachLearning to ExerciseExercising OptionsA Good DietA New Eating RegimeDaily TreatmentsMaintaining The ProgramFlat Stomach: Days 1-7Flat Stomach: Days 8-14Flat Stomach: Days 1 5-21Flat Stomach: Days 22-28Activity Record ChartCongratulations!



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  •   此书价格不贵,但是是全彩页,虽然是英文,但简单易懂。因为自己目前开始健身,发现健身教练的建议在这本书里都可以找得到。要想健身,一个是节源,一个是开流。节源,意味着要注意自己的饮食,这并不意味着要节食,只是让你吃得更健康;开流,意味着要进行适当的锻炼,以减掉脂肪并形成漂亮的肌肉。书中以28天为一个周期,28天,也是一个新的习惯养成的周期,让健身者在一个月的时间里看到全新的自己。

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