
出版时间:2001-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Robert L.Kruse,Alexander J.Ryba  页数:717  字数:1026000  


  内容: 1. 程序设计原理 2. 栈的介绍 3. 队列 4. 链式栈和队列 5. 递归 6. 表和串 7. 查找 8. 排序 9.
数据表和信息检索 10. 二叉树 11. 多叉树 12. 图 13. 案例学习——波兰表示法。


编者:(美国)克鲁斯 (Robert L.Kruse) Alexander J.Ryba


1 Programming Principles
 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 The Game of Life
 1.3 Programming Style
 1.4 Coding,Testing,and Turther Refinement
 1.5 Program Maintenance
 1.6 Conclusions and Preveiw
2 Introduction to Stacks
 2.1 Stack Specifications
 2.2 Implementation of Stacks
 2.3 Application:A Desk Calculator
 2.4 Application:Bracket Matching
 2.5 Abstract Data Types and Their Implementations
3 Queues
 3.1 Definitions
 3.2 Implementations of Queues
 3.3 Circular Implementation of Queues in C++
 3.4 Demonstration and Testing
 3.5 Application of Queues:Simulation
4 Linked Stacks and Queues
 4.1 Pointers and Linked Structures
 4.2 Linked Stacks
 4.3 Linked Stacks with Safegards
 4.4 Linked Queues
 4.5 Application:Polynomial Arithmetic
 4.6 Abstract Data Types and Their Implementations
5 Recursion
6 Lists and Srings
7 Searching
8 Sorting
9 Tables and Information rRtrieval
10 Binary Trees
11 Multiway Trees
12 Graphs
13 Case Study:The Polish Notation
A Mathematical Methods
B Random Numbers
C Packages and Utility Functions
D Programming Precepts,Pointers,and Pitfalls


版权页:插图:It is the combination of flexibility, generality and efficiency that has made C++ oneof the most popular choices for programmers at the present time.We shall discover that the general principles that underlie the design of alldata structures are naturally implemented by the data abstractin and the object-oriented features of C++. Therefore, we shall carefully explain how these aspectsof C++ are used and briefly summarize their syntax (grammar) wherever they firstarise in our book. In this way, we shall illustrate and describe many of the featuresof C++ that do not belong to its small overlap with C. For the precise details of C++syntax, consult a textbook on C++ programming——we recommend several suchbooks in the references at the end of this chapter.Throughout this chapter we shall concentrate on one case study that, while notlarge by realistic standards, illustrates both the principles of program design andthe pitfalls that we should learn to avoid. Sometimes the example motivates generalprinciples; sometimes the general discussion comes first; always it is with the viewof discovering general principles that will prove their value in a range of practicalapplications. In later chapters we shall employ similar methods for larger projects.The example we shall use is the game called Life, which was introduced by theBritish mathematician J. H. CONWAY in 1970.Life is really a simulation, not a game with players. It takes place on an unboundedrectangular grid in which each cell can either be occupied by an organism or not.Occupied cells are called alive; unoccupied cells are called dead. Which cells arealive changes from generation to generation according to the number of neighbor-ing cells that are alive, as follows.






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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   数据结构的经典,再结合C的数据结构就差不多了
  •   正在学习C++中,由于英文词汇不是很多,暂时没怎么看,随手翻翻看过,印刷质量不错。
  •   质量很好,,就是这次送货有点慢...但还很满意啦
  •   规定的教材,没什么好说的,不错
  •   买的是二手书,和想象中一样,书还不错,七成新~
  •   很不错,就是感觉讲得太糙了。
  •   是正版,运输包装也很好,只是书角还是破了,可能是包装过程弄的吧
  •   准备面试才买的这本书,主要是觉得计算机的书籍,国内优秀的不多,而翻译的书大部分翻译质量都一般般,所以还是买英文版的了。下午看了看其中的堆栈和队列两张,感觉本书的确符合书名所说的数据结构和程序设计,书中对数据结构有一定深度的讲解,然后附带了很不错的c++代码,并且每一章都会有实际的例子来具体应用相关章节所讲的数据结构。不过,对于我这样工作了一段时间,看过若干数据结构和算法书籍的人而言,稍微简单了一点,但是如果是本科生,这绝对是一本适合学习数据结构,并且将数据结构应用到具体的程序设计中的书。
  •   我觉得书虽然内容不深,但是对人很有启发,尤其是将汉诺塔的那一部分对思路的讲解,看了之后如醍醐灌顶。不过在其它地方看这本书的评价,正面的和负面的都很多。
  •   找了很久这本书才找到。就是我要的。学校里面都卖脱销了。终于在卓越买到了!~
  •   老师推荐的!我们学生,尽量买那些师兄师姐留下来的“遗产”吧!因为我买二手的便宜很多,老是买新书,我的经济能力承受不起呀!
  •   这本书是我在卓越买过发货最快的一本了,两天到达,赞一个!
  •   真的是不错,比较满意。
  •   相比较国内教材,此书讲解内容通俗易懂而不失深度

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