
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:TETS研究小组  页数:215  




第一章 试题设计及考点分析
 第一部分 试题设计综述
 第二部分 考试要点分析及考生复习、答题注意事项
第二章 试题精练
 第一部分 听力理解
 第二部分 英语知识运用
 第三部分 阅读理解
 第四部分 写作
 第五部分 口试
 第六部分 听力理解录音稿
 第七部分 参考答案
第三章 全国英语等级考试 第四级模拟试卷
 第一部分 笔试模拟试卷
 第二部分 口试模拟试卷
 第三部分 笔试模拟试卷听力理解录音稿
 第四部分 笔试模拟试卷参考答案


  Today I would like to talk about the early days of moviemaking in the late19th and early 20th centuries. Before the pioneering films of D.W. Griffith's,film-makers were limited by several misguided conventions of the era.According to one, the camera was always fixed at a viewpoint correspondingto that of the spectator in the theater, a position now known as the long shot. Itwas another convention that the position of the camera never changed in themiddle of a scene. In last week's film, we saw how Griffith ignored both theselimiting conventions and brought the camera closer to the actor. This shot, nowknown as the full shot, was considered revolutionary at the time. For Love ofGold was the name of the film in which we saw the first use of the full shot.After progressing from the long shot to the full shot, the next logical step forGriffith was to bring in the camera still closer, in what is now called the close-up. The close-up had been used before, though only rarely and merely as avisual stunt, as for example in Edwin Espoter's The Great Train Robbery, whichwas made in 1903. But not until 1908 in Griffith's movie called After Manyyears was the dramatic potential of the close-up first exploited. In a scene fromAfter Many years that we are about to see, pay special attention to the close-up of Annie Lee's worried face as she awaits her husband's return. In 1908 thisclose-up shocked everyone in the moviemaking world, but Griffith had no timefor argument. He had another surprise even more radical to offer. Immediatelyfollowing the close-up of Annie, he inserted a picture of the object of herthought —— her husband, cast away on a desert isle. This cutting from onescene to another without finishing either of them brought a torrent of criticism.  ……



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  •   《全国英语等级考试高分策略》分三章。第一章为试题设计、考点分析和考生答题时应该注意的事项,由对各级考试有较深研究的权威人士编写,详细分析了试卷设计的基本思路及各部分试题的考查要点,并根据考生的实际情况随时指出其在答题时应该注意的事项。第二章为各部分试题精练,试题按照各级试卷的结构排列,供读者检查自己的听、说、读、写能力和对有关语言知识的掌握情况,以便及时发现并解决问题*本章之后附有听力部分的录音稿和各部分试题的答案,供读者参照。第三章为一套模拟试卷,其难度、能力要求、考查要点等均接近实际考试,供读者检查自己的整体英语水平,预估自己正式考试的成绩。配套光盘的内客包括第二章和第三章中的听力材料,由对各级别情况比较了解的英美专家录制,有助于读者练习听力。
  •   题目有一定难度,第二章和第三张的答案没有讲解,若有的话会更好。书的纸质还不错。
  •   还没有看完,这本书会让您知道怎么准备考试,及一些技巧。
  •   没有想象的那么厚,但是书翻开的感觉挺不错的,是我喜欢的纸张类型。分类讲解试题,比较综合实用,建议购买,希望自己能考过哦~~~
  •   全新正版,光盘内容也很丰富
  •   挺好的书,买了一套三本,还挺厚的,
  •   同事想考4级,这本书非常好,帮助很大,谢谢
  •   正好跟学习指导和教程配套使用。
  •   每题,每种类型,都有详细的解析
  •   好好努力看,9月考,加油!
  •   很厚书不错还没看完
  •   帮同学买的,祝她考试顺利
  •   这本书很详细的讲解
  •   不愉快的购物经历,书本倒是很好。网站服务有待改进,此次购物没有在易迅购物体验好。
  •   内容实用,丰富,很喜欢!
  •   各方面都有涉及。适合辅助看。
  •   一定会看完
  •   不错的书,,单项练习更合适
  •   还不错,正在看,只是有本书可以有快递的问题,压到变形了并且烂了书角
  •   下次再来光顾!
  •   内容还可以,就是讲解太少了,估计要靠自己了。。。

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