
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:(唐)李白  页数:298  译者:杨宪益,戴乃迭  


  The Tang and Sang dynasties, spanning more than 600 years from the 8th to the 13th century, saw a period of great economic and cultural development in Thinese society. During this golden age of classical literature, numerous, masterpieces were wuitten which have exerted a profound influence ever since.  This collection contains the work of eighteen classical authors, including the major posets Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Su Shi and Lu you as well as the great prose stylists Han yu, Liu Zongyuan and Quyang Hiu.  This collection is only a small sample of the voluminous literature of the Tang and Song. However, in its uaviety, it should prove informative and interesting for specialists and general readevs alike.


Wang Wei Li BaiDu FuHan YuLiu YuxiBai JuyiLiu ZongyangLi HeSikong TuWang YuchengFan ZhongyanOuyang XiuWang AnshiSu ShiChao BuzhiLu YouFan ChengdaXin Qiji


  The Tang and Sang dynasties, spanning more than 600 years from the 8th to the 13th century, saw a period of great economic and cultural development in Thinese society. During this golden age of classical literature, numerous, masterpieces were wuitten which have exerted a profound influence ever since.  This collection contains the work of eighteen classical authors, including the major posets Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Su Shi and Lu you as well as the great prose stylists Han yu, Liu Zongyuan and Quyang Hiu.  This collection is only a small sample of the voluminous literature of the Tang and Song. However, in its uaviety, it should prove informative and interesting for specialists and general readevs alike.




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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   表面很脏,像是旧书。里面纸张和印刷还是很不错的。。。
  •   书在纸张一般,杨先生及夫人的翻译可称道!
  •   好书,绝对值。
  •   本书为全英文,翻译者为著名翻译家杨宪益夫妇。对古诗词熟悉的人自然容易判断出原标题和原诗词,对古诗词不太熟悉的人可查阅相关资料来找到相应地汉语。从网上搜到了陆游的著名诗句“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的英文翻译是杨宪益夫妇翻译的,买到此书果然找到了。这是我买此书的原因之一。
  •   好书。翻译得不错。
  •   看得有点晕,都是英文的,看懂压力很大。不过书的质量还是不错的。
  •   书的内容还是不错的!
  •   内容不错,书比较旧,像二手的
  •   再好的翻译也不如原诗,再好的诗也经不起翻译

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