
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:化学工业  作者:栾桂凤  页数:205  






第一章?? The?Initial?Dream?
梦想 002
?e Acorn Planter
种橡人 005
?e Birth of a Dream
梦想的诞生 008
装备 013
Everybody Has a Dream
每个人都有梦想 016
Dream to Fly
梦想去飞 022
Training for the Presidency
训练只为成总统 027
?e Grandma Who Could
“奶奶”真行 031
Walks in the ?eatre World
行走在戏剧世界 034
Never Too Old to Live Your Dream
实现梦想,永远不会太迟 044
第二章?? Follow?Your?Dream
?e Chicken
小鸡 052
Comfort Zone
舒适地带 055
Follow Your Dream
追随你的梦想 059
Sparky - Charlie Brown
斯巴克-查理?布朗 064
偷梦者 068
Hang in ?ere
坚持下去 073
Keep Swimming
畅游不息 075
Lessons of Failure
失败的教训 078
Obstacles? Deal With ?em Now
拦路虎?现在就解决 081
Unpolished Diamond
原钻 083
?e Day I Flunked Out of Law School
我被法学院开除的日子 086
第三章?? The?Magic?of?Dream
Do Angels Dream?
天使做梦吗? 092
If the Dream Is Big Enough, the Facts Don t Count
若梦想够远大,一切不在话下 094
Shinning Light in Dark Corners
照亮黑暗角落的光芒 102
Grow Great by Dreams
因梦想变得伟大 106
Become What You Want to Be
做你想做的人 109
I Can Make It Happen
我会实现梦想 113
Keep Your Goals Away From the Trolls
让你的目标远离巨魔 117
Little Blue Engine
小小蓝色引擎 121
?e Brilliant Lessons of Michelangelo
米开朗基罗的卓越经验 123
Finish Line
终点线 126
Two Acorns
两颗橡子 130
18 Holes in His Mind
心中的18个洞 132
第四章?? The?Dream?Comes?True
Learning to Get Back up
找到支撑点 138
Leap of Faith
信心的跳跃 142
Look out, Baby, I m Your Love Man
注意喽,宝贝,我就是你们最爱的人 150
A Slave to His Destiny
命运的奴隶 158
精神 166
Just Keep Planting
种树不息 169
Weakness or Strength?
弱项还是强项? 177
Ask, Ask, Ask
要求,要求,再要求 181
Passionate Pursuit of Possibility
一切皆有可能 187
坚持不懈 191
Keep Your Goals in Sight
保持你的目标就在眼前 195
Determination Helps
决心助我成功 198
Summit the Top of Your Dream
登上梦想的顶峰 201


  His preparations completed, Larry Waiters sat in his chair and cut theanchoring cord. His plan was to lazily float up away, and then lazily backdown to terra firma. But, things didn't quite work out that way. When Larry cut the cord, he didn't float lazily up —— he shot up as if firedfrom a cannon! Nor did he go up a couple hundred feet. He climbed andclimbed, until he finally leveled off at eleven thousand feet! At that height, hecould hardly risk deflating any of the balloons, lest he unbalance the load andreally experience flying! So, he stayed up there, sailing around for fourteenhours, totally at a loss as to how to get down. Eventually, Larry drifted intothe approach corridor for Los Angeles International Airport. A Pan Am pilotradioed the tower about passing a guy on a lawn chair at eleven thousand feetwith a gun on his lap.  LAX is fight on the ocean, and you may know that at nightfall, the windson the coast begin to change. So, as dusk fell, Larry began drifting out to sea.  At that point, the Navy dispatched a helicopter4 to rescue him. But, therescue team had a hard time getting to him, because the draft from theirpropeller kept pushing his homemade contraptions farther and farther away.Eventually, they were able to hover over him and drop a rescue line withwhich they gradually hauled him back to earth.   ……


  促进读者的英语阅读能力,文章均精选自英美国家最受欢迎、最贴近人们心灵的经典文集,行文优美、难度适中,适合朗读与背诵。提高读者的整体英语水平,所有文章均配有精准的中文翻译和补充单词,并在文中重点标注优美词句以便读者借鉴。介绍英语的人文背景,传递人类共有的情怀:对童年的追忆,对梦想的追求,对幸福的向往,对生命的思索,对时间的珍階,对生活的感恩,对爱情的执著,对命运的挑战……《鹰语坊?双语心灵阅读系列:那些在飞翔的梦》中英文对照,收录数十篇经典美文,从“最初的梦想”、“追随梦想”、“梦想的魔力”以及“梦想成真”四个方面呈现人们对梦想的理解和追逐。除了英文原文和中文翻译之外,文中的名言佳句用横线标注了出来,供读者欣赏、记忆,生词也在文后配有注释以便读者查阅。随书附赠美籍外教录制的纯正动听的MP3英文录音,让耳朵一起感受梦想的力量吧!  心灵做土壤,血液来灌溉,结风成羽翼,化云作戎装,以曰月为友,与鸿鹄作伴,且当风雨随行雷闪护驾,天空如此宽广,有梦请翱翔。  你可以做到你心中想做的一切,所以不要放弃,也不要屈服,让梦想活在你的生命中。



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   These seemingly small successes allowed the group to see that dreams were not insane3. These small steps began to get people to see and feel that something really could happen.这些看似很小的成功,让这群人意识到原来梦想并不是遥不可及。并且这些小小的进展也开始让大家感受到,原来一些事情真的可以发生。
  •   中英都有。
  •   推荐,大家学
  •   封面很赞!里面的小故事很有趣,而且还附赠了光盘。

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