
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:宋利芳 等主编  页数:293  字数:410000  




Unit One
Text: What Is Economics?
Additional Text: The Economic Problem
Unit Two
Text: Demand and Supply
Additional Text: Utility and Coumer Choice
Unit Three
Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Additional Text: The Facto Influencing the Price Elasticities of
Demand and Supply
Unit Four
Text: Cost of Production
Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Unit Five
Text: Monopoly
Additional Text: Perfect Competition
Unit Six
Text: Oligopoly
Additional Text: Monopolistic Competition
Unit Seven
Text: Gross Domestic Product
Additional Text: Two Alternative Approaches of Measuring GDP
Unit Eight
Text: Economic Growth
Additional Text: Sources of Economic Development
Unit Nine
Text: Inflation
Additional Text: Unemployment
Unit Ten
Text: Money and Banking
Additional Text: The U.S. Central Bank: The Federal Reserve
Unit Eleven
Text: Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate
Additional Text: The Effects of Exchange Rates on the Economy
Unit Twelve
Text: The Balance of Payments
Additional Text: International Monetary Systems
Unit Thirteen
Text: Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Additional Text: Lags in the Economy's Respoe to Monetary and
Fiscal Policy
Unit Fourteen
Text: Role of Government in the Economy
Additional Text: Government's Policies Toward Externalities
Appendix Ⅰ Awe to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Tralation of the Texts



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  •   很喜欢这本书,比较系统。
  •   西方经济学的专业英语,也适合自学。
  •   内容比较丰富,讲解也比较到位。版本也比较新。

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