
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:北京大学  作者:[美]J.史蒂文·奥  页数:514  




J.史蒂文·奥特(J.Steven Ott),美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)公共行政学博士,理任美国犹他大学(University of Utah)社会科学和行为科学学院教授、院长。奥特教授在公共行政学、非营利组织、人力资源管理、组织理论、组织行为和组织文化等领域撰写了主编


Foreword to the Foreword Foreword Preface Introduction  Defining Organizational Behavior  An Orchestra as Metaphor A Chronology of Organizational BehaviorChapter Ⅰ Leadership 1 The Giving of Orders 2 The Executive Functions  3 Life Cycle Theory of Leadership 4 The Contingency Model: A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness 5 The Leadership Challenge—A Call for the Transformational Leader  6 The Learning Leader as Culture Manager 7 What Makes a Leader?  8 Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt  9 Efficacy and Effectiveness: Integrating Models of Leadership and Intelligence Chapter Ⅱ Motivation  10 The Hawthorne Experiments 11 A Theory of Human Motivation  12 The Human Side of Enterprise 13 The Motivating Effect of Cognitive Dissonance  14 Work and Motivation  15 One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?  16 Work Motivation: The Incorporation of Self-Concept-Based Processes  17 Self-Set Goals and Self-Efficacy as Mediators of Incentives and Personality Chapter Ⅲ  Individuals in Teams and Groups 18 Foundations and Dynamics of Intergroup Behavior 19 Origins of Group Dynamics 20 An Intergroup Perspective on Group Dynamics  21 Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Intergroup Conflict 22 Why Teams: Leading to the High-Performance Organization 23 Critical Success Factors for Creating Superb Self-Managing Teams  24 Virtual Teams: The New Way to WorkChapter Ⅳ Effects of the Work Environment on Individuals  25 Effects of Group Pressure Upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgments 26 Some Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal-Getting  27 Bureaucratic Structure and Personality  28 Groupthink: The Desperate Drive for Consensus at Any Cost 29 Social Influences on Work Effectiveness 345 30 Organization Theory and Structural Perspectives on Management Jeffrey Pfeffer (1991)  31 Psychological Contracts in Organizations: Violating the Contract Chapter Ⅴ Power and Influence  32 Power: A Neglected Variable in Social Psychology  33 The Bases of Social Power  34 Sources of Power of Lower Participants in Complex Organizations  35 Who Gets Power—And How They Hold on to It: A Strategic-Contingency Model of Power  36 Managing with Power Chapter Ⅵ Organizational Change 37 Overcoming Resistance to Change 38 Group Decision and Social Change  39 Intervention Theory and Methods 40 The Ethics of Social Intervention: Goals,Means,and Consequences  41 The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization 42 Change: The New Metaphysics 43 Laws of the Jungle and the New Laws of Business 44 Exploring the Relationship Between Learning and Leadership




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