361°海外留学生活 ABC

出版时间:2012-4  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:安妮 编  页数:245  字数:340000  




Chapter 1  海外留学,整装待发
阅读技能训练:眼球训练 一目十行
1.1 留学生活早准备
1.2 留学美国面签攻略
1.3 收拾行囊待远行
1.4 留学要花多少钱
1.5 寻找留学栖身处
Chapter 2 留学生活,五彩缤纷
阅读技能训练:推断能力 生词克星
2.1 校园生活多精彩
2.2 中国学生的特殊挑战
2.3 提高你的社交技巧
2.4 每天“新鲜”一点点
2.5 面对成长的机遇
Chapter 3 学习生活,无限可能
阅读技能训练:关键词句 提纲。挈.领
3.1 了解海外教育情况
3.2 你应该注意的事
3.3 管理时间的艺术
3.4 学习无处不在
3.5 寻找国外实习机会
Chapter 4 异国他乡,安全第一
阅读技能训练:速度变换 游刃有余
4.1 注意个人安全
4.2 留学健康小贴士
4.3 保持精神愉快
4.4 购买海外保险
4.5 国外看病知多少
Chapter 5 超越自我,潜力无穷
阅读技能训练:自我练习 晋升达人
5.1 让海外留学经历“值钱”
5.2 海外职业规划
5.3 海外留学印象误区


  人们对于他人过于一般化的印象会妨碍彼此之间关系的发展。刻板印象会导致不适当的期望、恐惧、误解等。例如,多数美国人对中国留学生存在刻板印象,中国学生则认为美国人吵闹、竞争性强、聪明、浅薄、不值得信赖。刻板印象似乎是不可避免的,因此你在国外时应该多与当地人沟通交流,从而了解并不是所有的人都跟你原本所想的一样。  People's over-generalized ideas about other people interfere with developing relationships. Stereotypes contribute to unjustified hopes, unjustified fears, misinterpretations, and misunderstandings.  For example, most Americans have stereotyped ideas about Chinese students. Chinese students, in turn, have their stereotypes about Americans, often considering them loud, aggressive, clever, superficial , and untrustworthy . Chinese often have a very negative stereotype of  Black Americans, and they have negative stereotypes of some of the other nationality groups they find on American campuses.  Having stereotypes seems normal and unavoidable for human beings, even though stereotypes have many undesirable results. It helps you to be aware of your stereotypes. It helps to be willing to change and refine your stereotypes as you interact more with individual member of a "toreign" group Through the interactions you will come to see at least some of them as individuals rather than as representatives of a category of people.  ……



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