
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:赵同水 编  页数:700  






a (an), one
a couple of, a pair of
a few, a number of, several, some
a great deal of, a lot of, plenty of
a little, a bit
abandon, abdicate, desert, give up, quit, renounce, waive
ABC, alphabet
ability, capability, capacity, competence
able, capable
abominable, contemptible, despicable, detestable
about, concerning, regarding, respecting
above, over
absolutely, certainly, surely
absorb, assimilate, imbibe
abstract, conceptual, theoretical
acceptance, approbation
acclaim, applaud, cheer, hail
acclimatize, accustom, get used to
accommodate, adapt, adjust
accommodate, lodge, put up
accommodation, lodging, quarters, rooms
accompany, attend, convoy, escort
accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
achievement, accomplishment, attainment
acquaintance, confidant, pal
acquirement, acquisition
acute, keen, sharp
adaptable, flexible, open-minded
addition, attachment, suoolement
additional, added, extra
adjustment, modification, regulation
admission, admittance, entry
admit, acknowledge, concede, confcss, profess
adopted, adoptive, foster
advantage, benefit, profit
adventure, enterprise, venture
advertise, announce, propagate
advertisement, advert, commercial
advice, counsel
advise, convince, dissuade, persuade
aeroplane, Airbus, aircraft, Boeing, jet, plane
afar, apart, aside
affect, impress, influence
affirm, allege, assert
after, behind
after, since
aftermath, consequence, outcome, result
ago, before, formerly, previously
agree, accede, approve, assent, consent
agreement, accord
agriculture, farming, husbandry
air, atmosphere, breeze, draught
airport, aerodrome, airfield
alien, exotic, foreign, overseas
alike, like
alive, animate, living
all fight, alright, OK
allocate, allot, distribute
aloud, load
also, either, too
although, as, though
alumnus, graduate
ambition, aspiration, desire
amiable, amicable, friendly
amoral, immoral
amplify, enlarge, expand, increase
ancestor, forefather, progenitor
anew, again
angry, enraged, furious
angular, bent, crooked
answer, reply, respond
anthology, collection, works
anticipate, await, expect
antiquated, old-fashioned, out-of-date
artxiety, care, concern, unease, worry
anxious, concerned, worried
anyway, anyhow, nevertheless
apartment, fiat, suite
appear, arise, emerge, loom, show
appliance, apparatus, device, facility
apply, ask, sue for
appoint, designate, name, nominate
appointment, assignment, designation
appointment, date, engagement
approach, bear down
apt, liable, likely, prone
Arab, Arabian, Arabic
arc, arch, bow, curve
architecture, construction, structure
argue, debate, dispute
around, about, approximately, roughly
arrest, capture, catch, seize
arrive, get, reach
artificial, man-made, synthetic
artist, artiste
ascend, climb, mount
ashamed, embarrassed, mortified
ask, inquire, query, question
assert, contend, maintain
assttme, presume, suppose
assurance, insurance
athlete, sportsman, sportsperson
athletic, brawny, muscular
attosphere, mood
attach, affix, annex
attention, heed, note, notice
attentive, considerate, thoughtful
attact, appeal, charm, fascinate
audible, clear, perceptible
auhodty, boffin, expert, specialist
atttornatic, computerized, programmed, robotic
average, median, medium
avoid, elude, evade
aware, conscious, sensible
babble, chattar
baby, babe, infant
back rear
backward, backwards
bad, evil, ill, vicious, wicked
badge, chevron, crest, emblem, pin
bag, pouch, purse, sack, wallet
beggage, luggage
balance, equilibrium, stability
banish, deport, exile
bargain, negotiate
bark,bay, growl, howl, snarl, yap
base,basis, foundation
bie, exist,live
bear, endure, stand, sustain, tolerate
beat, flutter, pound, pulsate, thump
beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty
because, as, for, since
beforehand, ahead
behaviour, action, air, bearing, conduct, manner
belief, credit, faith
belong to, go with
bend, arch, bow, coil, curve
beneficial, constructive
betray, cheat on, grass on, rat
between, among
beware, alert
bias, aptitude, bent, favour, inclination, preference,
big, bulky, great, large
biography, autobiography, life story
birth, delivery, labour
bite, champ, gnash, gnaw
blame, admonish, berate, censure, condemn, rebuke, reproach
blank, bare, empty, hollow, vacant
blast, blow up, burst, explode
blaze, flame, flare, glare, glow
block, choke, clog, dam, jam
bloom, blossom, bud, flower
blouse, shirt
blunder, boob, botch, clanger, error, fallacy, fault, guilt,
blush, flush
boast, brag, crow
boastful, cocky, conceited, egotistical
bold, adventurous, brave, courageous, daring
bombard, assail, assault, attack
border, borderline, boundary, frontier
boring, arid, dreary, dry, dull, monotonous
born, borne
borrow, lend
bottom, bed, floor
branch, limb, prong
bravery, bottle, courage
brazen, barefaced, blatant, cheeky
break, crack, crush, split
breed, multiply, procreate
bribe, buy off-
brilliant, bright, dazzling, glaring, glittering
cartoon, animation
carve, chisel, sculpt
case, box. carton, chest, crate
case, circumstance, condition
cash, change, coin, note
castle, fort. fortress
catalogue, brochure, directory, index
cause, arouse, bring, effect
caution, counsel, warn
census, count, statistics
centre, core, heart, middle, midst
ceremony, rite, ritual, service
certain, confident, convinced, positive, sure
chain, bond, handcuff, shackle
change, alter, convert, modify, transform, turn, vary
changeable, variable
chap, bloke, fellow, guy
chat, chatter, conversation, dialogue
cheap, budget, dirt cheap
check, bar
childlike, childish
church, cathedral, chapel
circle, association, club, fellowship
city, metropolis, town
civilization, culture
classify, catalogue, systematize
client, consumer, customer, user
climate, weather
clothes, clothing, dress
clump, bunch, bundle, cluster
clumsy, awkward, blundering, bungling
coherence, connection, link
cold, chilly, cool. frozen, icy
collaborate, collude, cooperate
collapse, crumble, fall, sink
comic, absurd, amusing


版权页:   assert,contend,maim assert v.坚决主张;断言。 【辨析】含较强的主观意味,指坚决而明确地表示某事真实无误。 【例证】She asserted that French cooking is the best in the world. 她坚称法国菜是世界上最好的。 The scientist asserted that there is no water on the moon 那位科学家断言月球上没有水。 contend v.主张,声称。 (辨析)指声称某事属实,含有与他人进行争辩的意思。 【例证】He contended that it was true.他声称那是真的。 I would contend that unemployment is the most serious social problem today.我认为失业是当今最为严重的社会弊病。 maintain v..坚持说,坚持认为。 (辨析)指坚决维护某种主张或观点等。 【例证】She maintained her innocence.她坚持自己是无辜的。 He maintains that he once saw a UFO. 他坚称自己曾看见过飞碟。 assume,presumei suppose(导航词义:推测,假定) assume v.设想,假定。 【辨析】指想当然地将未经证实的事当真,比较武断。 【例证】I didn't see your cell phone,so I assumed you'd left. 我没看见你的手机,所以我以为你离开了。 Assuming that Dad agrees.when do you want to shop for a Dew car? 假设爸爸同意,你打算什么时候买新汽车? presume v.(正式)假设,假定。 (辨析)常指以已有的经验、信息等为依据进行合乎逻辑的推测、推断,但结论可能有误。 (例证)This logical analysis presumes the separation of subject from object. 该逻辑分析假定主体与客体是分开的。 I presume that this price includes all transportation and accomodationfees.我猜测,这个价钱包括一切交通费用和住宿费。 suppose v.(正式)假定;猜想。 (辨析)指在某一前提条件下或根据已有知识、信息等进行推测,有时用于表达意见。 【例证】The company's plan supposes s steady increase in wheat yield.公司的这个计划假定小麦产量会稳定增加。 What makes him suppose they’re going to quit?他凭什么认为他们要离职? assurance,insurance(导航词义:保险) assurance n.(英)保险。 【辨析】行业术语,只用于人寿保险。 (例证)a life assurance company人寿保险公司insurance n保险。 【辨析】普通用词,可用于一切保险。 (例证)fire/health/travel insurance火险/健康险/旅游险 He is an insurance broker.他是一名保险经纪人。 Does she have insurance on her house?她买住房保险了吗? athiete,sportsman,sportsperson(导航词义:运动员) athlete n.运动员。 【辨析】指参加体育比赛的人,尤指田径运动员。 【例证】These professional athletes are well—trained这些专业运动员训练有素。 A good athlete should have skill,strength and speed.一个好的运动员应该具备技能、体力和速度。 sportsman n(尤英)运动员;参加体育运动者。 【辨析】指参加体育运动者,尤指擅长体育运动的人,现常表示“男运动员”,与sportswoman(女运动员)相对应。






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用户评论 (总计64条)


  •   这本同义词词典后面虽然说是职称英语考试词典,但是经过这一段时间的使用,我觉得对于学生也非常实用,重要的是对于同义词的说明,举得例子比较多,有利于学习者更好的理解同义词之间的微小差异,而且书的设计很好,不同首字母开头的单词使用不同的颜色来区分,看的时候不会感到乏味,而且查找单词方便。唯一不足的是书有一点沉啊。
  •   同义词辨析很到位
  •   有参考价值,英语学习必备,值得珍藏。
  •   不同颜色排版让查阅变得更方便,字体也比较大看着不费劲,试着查了几个同义词,都能找到,考试应该很好用
  •   书很好,是学英语的好书
  •   这本书的用处在于可以辨析相近意思的词,而不至于在日常及写作中乱用一气,很有帮助,不过有些想了解的词的辨析好像没有出现
  •   字大行稀,便于查找,但收词量太少,且不针对职称考试选词。
  •   做词语辨析必用
  •   我很喜欢软皮装,词汇对比比较清晰。有些常用的词,例句具有典型性。
  •   外研社出版 必属于精品 权威 经典 实用
  •   外研社的书,差不到那去,适合学生们。
  •   书很好,外研社的!有帮助
  •   词比较多。再多就更好了。
  •   超好 超喜欢的一本工具书,排版好 字体清晰,有助于阅读, 单词解释的也明白 有例句
  •   非常好啊,值得推荐
  •   内容很全面,而且纸质设计很好。
  •   挺好。朋友说很方便查找。
  •   对孩子的学习有帮助,孩子要用,该不错。
  •   同类的书以前我买过三种,都卖废纸了。该著作却值得我留下。不留也不行,国内同类著作无出其右,不留它留谁?
  •   挺好用,作为工具书很合适,
  •   不算很全,但也是基础的,先攻克它
  •   书的质量很不错,内容很详细。多看看,多记忆。
  •   书不错,质量很好,内容也很赞
  •   实用的字典,非常好
  •   看着挺好的,还没开始用
  •   刚收到,还行
  •   软皮22开吧,很好
  •   印刷的颜色好多……喜欢简单一点的,不过不错,挺实用的…
  •   书的质量不错,彩色印刷,纸张颜色很好看,我很喜欢,就是解释只有汉语辨析,加上英语对照就更好了
  •   词汇量有点少,不建议买!
  •   词汇解析简略易懂,但不是纯色印刷。
  •   彩页的,很华丽的感觉............用起来还可以.......若想弄清真正的单词意思,一本书是不行的, 我就买了4本,结合用...........
  •   应付考试还是挺好用的,那15分应该就拿下了
  •   书挺好,就是外皮被划破了一块,可能是运送过程中出现的情况吧,总体来说比较满意~
  •   归纳的较全面,但略显简单。
  •   这本书是正版,内容还行,就是不全面
  •   外皮有点破了,可能是快递的问题
  •   都是按照英文字母编写 有的不是很详尽
  •   书籍内容一般,作为工具书的功能性差一点。
  •   彩色区分,容易查找,不错!对于非外语专业的人非常实用!
  •   发货很快,一直忘了评论,内容挺好的!
  •   差了几次,竟然有8成的词没有收录,我想用这样的词典就是为了查某些生僻的词的常用词的同义词,结果没有,还是要查双解词典,买了它我才consider我的双解词典有多么宝贵。
  •   感觉一般,收词不是太多,查阅不太方便,没有注音等。适合中学生的。
  •   感觉有好多单词查不到
  •   暂时看了两天,注释和例证都是那样,和别的书没什么区别,但是单词上面没注音标。再一个,考研阅读材料上的一些同义词,在这上面根本找不到,感觉这本书完全不适合当考研工具书,至于是否适合别的方面就不知道了
  •   我要考试用 做练习题的时候就发现好多单词都没有 这哪还敢考试的时候用啊
  •   这本书实用性很差,买了就后悔!
  •   书是好书!但编排的人太无知了,浅浅的多种颜色,会把眼睛看坏的!!!这不像是外研社一贯科学严谨风格的出的书.
  •   用于大学,还不是很全
  •   如果有音标和英文解释就更完美
  •   字印刷的不好,看的人难受
  •   一本工具书 没事的时候 休闲看看 可以提升英语用词修养 缺点是外研社的书学术枯燥 不适合初学者用来学英语
  •   辨析的内容简单易懂,有例句解释,能更直观地看出词汇的细微差别
  •   很满意。买的很值,一直支持亚马逊
  •   该词典对初等程度学习英语的学生很有帮助
  •   跟在实体店看到的一样,满意。
  •   词义的辨析很清楚,但是词汇不是很全,要是收录的词汇能再多些就好了。
  •   不是我想的那样,是中文解释的,不喜欢
  •   推荐 包装非常好 已给同学买了20套了
  •   词典不怎么厚,但竟然要40多。很多想查的稍微有点难度的词的同义词都查不到。我就是大二的水平,它都不能满足我。可能也就适用于高中英语水平吧。那拜托你注明一下是高中生的级别啊。。真是浪费。不过编排和准确性什么的倒是没问题,但那都是对于高中生而言的。
  •   内容很好,外包装有点问题。
  •   非常好 还是彩色的
  •   彩色版看着就是好
  •   和预想的效果差别太大了

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