
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:赵红 等 著  页数:233  


  高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,高职高专学生是我国大学生中一个十分重要的群体。针对这一群体学生的特点和培养目标,教育部于2000年颁布了《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》。该《基本要求》以培养学生实际运用语言的能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,为高职高专的英语教学指明了方向。  根据《基本要求》的指导思想,上海教育出版社组织编写了这套《新体验实用英语》系列教材。本教材主要由长期在一线从事大学英语和高职高专英语教学并具有丰富教学经验的教师参与编写,分为《综合教程》、《学学练练》和《教学参考书》各四册及配套的音带等。在教材的编写过程中,编写小组曾在多所高职高专院校组织英语教师进行访谈,收集、整理和分析了一线教师的意见,在此基础上制定了编写提纲并在编写过程中几易其稿。最后本教材在语言和体例上均由国内外英语教学领域资深的专家教授把关,由上海外国语大学研究生院原院长、现校党委副书记冯庆华教授以及新闻传播学院副院长张红玲老师担纲此教材的主审,上海中学国际部的Lucian Reeves,Ashley Andr4en参与了书稿的审定。  《新体验实用英语》系列教材吸取了现行国内外同类教材的优点,以我国高职高专人才培养特点和教学改革的成果为依据,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,将语言基础能力与实际涉外交际能力的培养有机地结合起来,以满足21世纪全球化社会经济发展对高职高专人才的要求。具体来说,本套教材具有以下几个特点:  1.严格按照《基本要求》编写  本套教材从结构的设计到内容的筛选完全按照《基本要求》中的各项规定和要求来进行。其中交际主题主要是按照《基本要求》中“交际范围表”所规定的内容编写,读、译、听、说、写各项技能的培养与训练也都围绕同一交际话题展开。本教材体现了《基本要求》的教学目的,突出了“以用为主”的原则。




Unit One Vocational EducationBrainstormingPart One Listen In and SpeakOUtSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthVocational EducationSection B Read MoreLife after GraduationSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Two Management Means EfficiencyBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthHow to Use Your Time EfficientlySection B Read MoreManagement Leads to a Successful LifeSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Three Behavior and MannersBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthDo Manners Matter at Work?Section B Read MoreGet Along to Get AheadSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Four Environmental Protection——-BrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthAir PollutionSection B Read MoreOur Environment Is ThreatenedSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Five Human RelationshesBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthNight WatchSection B Read MoreThe Difference a Teacher Can MakeSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Six Understading ScienceBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthMystery of TimeSection B Read MoreThe Story of VitaminsSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Seven AdvertisementBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthAdvertisingSection B Read MoreAdvertising Claims and SchemesSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Eight Looking Around the WorldBrainstormingPart One Listen In and Speak OutSection A Listen and RespondSection B Speak and ActPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthTravelling Alone to AustraliaSection B Read MoreMy Travel Story in NepalSection C Reading SkillsSection D GrammarPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureVocabulary


  Passage 1  It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. Myhusband would not be back until late and I had decided to settle down in acomfortable chair in the living room and read a book. I put the children to bedearly and prepared a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sittingcomfortably with food before me and a book at my side.  I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I dropped my knifeand fork and hurried to answer it. By the time I got back to the living room, mycoffee had got cold. After I finished my supper, I began drinking cold coffee withmy book open at page one. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Itgave me such a surprise that I spilt the coffee and made an ugly stain on myskirt. Some stranger had lost his way and wanted me to direct him. It took me along time to get rid of him. At last I managed to sit down again and actually reada whole page without further interruption until the baby woke up. He begancrying loudly and I rushed upstairs. The baby was still awake at 11 oclockwhen my husband came home. I could have screamed when he asked me if Ihad spent a pleasant evening!Passage 2  The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants anddiscover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to findout how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recyclingwaste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metalsuch as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.  Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting andseparating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will beprocessed like this: First, it will pass through metal bars which will tear open theplastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed;then it will pass through apowerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after thatgrounders and rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally,therubbish will pass under magnets ,which will remove the bits of iron and steel ;therubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.  ……



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