
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:译林  作者:尹邦彦//尹海波  页数:234  译者:无 注解  


中国历代先圣时贤、名士俊杰的著述中广纳着极丰富的隽语箴言,是“蒸馏过的人生”,是人类语言文化银河中璀璨的宝珠,闪烁着人生智慧的光芒。这些“胸藏万斛珠玑,腹隐无边锦绣”的箴言隽语,巧譬妙喻,明理析奥,以其思维美、内容美、语言美一向为人们激赏和传诵。哲理性的千古名言是一股崇高的精神力量,犹如暮鼓晨钟,实能振聋发聩,启人深思。  编写这样一部汉英对照之书稿的想法也酝酿多年了,我们用“狮子搏兔,用尽全力”的精神从事这项工作。但愿本书能使读者品味中华传统文化的精深充盈,体味前贤时隽内心的所思、所想与抱负,能使翻译爱好者在欣赏和研议佳译的“信、达、雅”时,“若披惠风,若饮甘露”。  本书系一部既供阅读又可检索的熔哲理性、知识性、简明性、实用性、鉴赏性子一炉的参考书,因此对条目的收录严格坚持思想标准和艺术标准相结合的原则。“群言百家,不可胜览:耳目所爱,不可胜载。”本书精选条目一千一百余则,按其内容性质分以下七大类1.论励志(含报国、信仰等内容);2论为政(含军事、法律、人才等内容);3。论为学(含教学、惜时、文论等内容);4.论修身(含劝世、诚信、戒奢等内容);5.论感情(含咏物、恋爱、婚姻、心态等内容);6.论世态(含社交、人生历程、善恶等内容);7.论哲理(含益智、辩证、认知等内容)。一事兼类,时常有之,但也只能从属一类。所收条目的体裁亦体现了多样化,其中有典籍、古典小说、现当代小说、散文、诗歌、对联、演讲、书信、题词等。每则条目均有出处,标示朝代(清代以后的作者不注)、作者、书名或篇名,唯五经与先秦诸子,则省标作者,而秦朝以前的朝代一律标示先秦。  中国历代先圣时贤、名士俊杰的有关著述中广纳着极丰富的隽语箴言,本书即是自先秦至当代中国历代名人名言汉英对照的汇编。书中共收录条目一千一百余则,坚持思想标准和艺术标准相结合,让读者在领略中国传统智慧、体验汉语韵律美感的同时提高英文水平。






  夫礼也者,人之急也。可终身蹈.而不可须臾离也。  (汉)(徐干:《中论·法象第二》)  Ritual is of critical importance t0 man;it is a path that should betrodden to the end of one’S life;and it is what one can not part withfor a single moment.  (根据John Makeham译Balanced Discourses改译)  面一旦不修饰。则尘垢秽之;心一朝不思善,则邪恶入之。  (汉)(蔡邕:《女诫》)  If one doesn’t wash one’S face every day’the dirt cannot be removedfrom it;if one doesn’t cultivate one’s mind daily。the evil idea willappear suddenly.  (自译)  有难,则以身先之;有功,则以身后之。  (三国?蜀)(诸葛亮:《将苑·哀死》  If there is difficulty,one should first take it for oneself;if there iscredit,leave it to others。  (自译)  君子之行:静以修身.俭以养德。非淡泊无以明志.非宁静无以致远。  (三国.蜀)(诸葛亮:《诸葛壳集·诫子书》)  This is a life—style for a superior:to cultivate his mind by keeping atranquil heart’and nourish his morality by a means of frugality.Onlyfreedom from vanity can show one’s lofty aspirations;and onlytranquility of mind can help him to achieve something really lasting.  (根据陈启达译An Admonition to My Son改译)  勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。  (丙晋)(陈寿:《三国志·蜀志·先主传》)  Do not fall to do a good deed because it is small;do not commit a baddeed because it is sma.  (英译采自W.J.F Jenner译Journey to the West)  夫礼也者,人之急也。可终身蹈.而不可须臾离也。  (汉)(徐干:《中论·法象第二》)  Ritual is of critical importance to man;it is a path that should betrodden to the end of one’S life;and it is what one can not part withfor a single moment.  (根据John Makeham译Balanced Discourses改译)  面一旦不修饰。则尘垢秽之;心一朝不思善.则邪恶入之。  (汉)(蔡邕:《女诫》)  If one doesn’t wash one’S face every day’the dirt cannot be removedfrom it;if one doesn’t cultivate one’s mind daily。the evil idea willappear suddenly.  (自译)  有难,则以身先之;有功,则以身后之.  (三国·蜀)(诸葛亮:《将苑·哀死》)  If there is difficulty,one should first take it for oneself;if there iscredit,leave it to others。  (自译)  君子之行:静以修身.俭以养德。非淡泊无以明志.非宁静无以致远。  (三国.蜀)(诸葛亮:《诸葛亮集·诫子书》)  This is a life—style for a superior:to cultivate his mind by keeping atranquil heart’and nourish his morality by a means of frugality.Onlyfreedom from vanity can show one’s lofty aspirations;and onlytranquility of mind can help him to achieve something really lasting.  (根据陈启达译An Admonition to My Son改译)  勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。  (丙晋)(陈寿:《三国志·蜀志·先主传》)  Do not fall to do a good deed because it is small;do not commit a baddeed because it is sma.  (英译采自W.J.F Jenner译Journey to the West)  不修身而求令名于世者.犹貌甚恶而责妍影于镜也。  (北齐)(颜之推:《颜氏家训》)  Whoever wishes to achieve a good name but refuses to improvehimself is like an ill—favored person seeking a perfect image in themirror.  (宗福常译)  土相扶为墙,人相扶为王。  (唐)(李百药:《北齐书·尉景传》)  Earth sticks to earth and makes a wall,people stick to people andtogether overthrow a kingdom.  (自译)  古之君子,其责己也重以周.其待人也轻以约.重以周.故不怠;轻以约,故人乐为善。  (唐)(韩愈:《原毀》)  The scholar—official of yore was strict with himself in every waypossible’but tolerant of and magnanimous toward others.Because heWas strict with himself in every way possible,he never slackened hiscffortS:and because he WaS tolerant of and magnanimous towardothers,people loved to perform good deed.  (英译采自Jiang Zemin On the“Three Represents”)  人患不知其过,既知之而不能改,是无勇也。  (唐)(韩愈:《五箴序》)  One is worried about the fact that he is ignorant of his OWll mistakes,yet if aware of them and unable to correct them,he is considered aS aman without courage.  (自译)




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  •   书很好,家人非常满意
  •   如果像《新月集》那样配备一个光碟会更好。
  •   从英语角度学中国文化
  •   喜欢还有英语 就是再简短一些那就更好了
  •   还是挺喜欢的,就是感觉有点旧了。。。。
  •   有点旧,还不错。

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