
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:凯西恩  页数:128  字数:171000  




作者:(美国)凯西恩(Zachary Kessin)  凯西恩(Kessin Z.),在开发交互式Web应用上已经有二十多年的经验了。他关注于使用Javascript在浏览器中搭建复杂应用,使用Selenium测试浏览器应用,功能化编程和代码生成。


1. The Web As Application Platform
Adding Power to Web Applicatio
Developing Web Applicatio
JavaScript's Triumph
2. The Power of JavaScript
Nonblocking I/O and Callbacks
Lambda Functio Are Powerful
Functional Programming
Prototypes and How to Expand Objects
Expanding Functio with Prototypes
Currying and Object Paramete
Array Iteration Operatio
You Can Extend Objects, Too
3. Testing JavaScript Applicatio
A Simple Example
Testing with QUnit
Selenium Commands
Cotructing Tests with the Selenium IDE
Automatically Running Tests
Selenese Command Programming Interface
Running QUnit from Selenium
Selenium RC and a Test Farm
4. Local Storage
The localStorage and sessionStorage Objects
Using localStorage in ExtJS
Offline Loading with a Data Store
Storing Changes for a Later Server Sync
JQuery Plug-i
5. IndexedDB
Adding and Updating Records
Adding Indexes
Retrieving Data
Deleting Data
6. Files
Working with Files
Uploading Files
Putting It All Together
7. Taking It Offline .
Introduction to the Manifest File
Structure of the Manifest File
Updates to the Manifest File
Debugging Manifest Files
8. Splitting Up Work Through Web Worke
Web Worker Use Cases
Using Web Worke
The Worker Environment
Worker Communication
Web Worker Fractal Example
Testing and Debugging Web Worke
A Pattern for Reuse of Muhithread Processing
Libraries for Web Worke
9. Web Sockets
The Web Sockets Interface
Setting Up a Web Socket
Web Socket Example
Web Socket Protocol
Ruby Event Machine
Erlang Yaws
10. New Tags
Tags for Applicatio
Accessibility Through WAI-ARIA
New Form Types
Audio and Video
Canvas and SVG
Appendix: JavaScript Tools You Should Know


版权页:   插图:   Indexes can be added or removed only in a setVersion transaction. An index can becreated when a store is created, or later with the index() method (see Example 5-6),This method will create the index if it does not exist. It will also return an index objectthat can be used to iterate over the index. Example 5-6. Using an index$. indexeddb(db), objectStore(objectStore), index(field), openCursor( [1,10). each (write);One key difference between a data store like IndexedDB and most other forms of datastorage is that IndexedDB runs on the customer's browser, so updating it requires alittle more thought than a data storage mechanism that runs on a small set of serversin a central location. The JavaScript code must be able to cope with the possibility thatthe user may have an out-of-date store and update on the fly.It is possible to check the current version of a store on a customer's computer and, ifneeded, bring it up to the current version. For example, version 1.0 of the software mayhave two stores, while in version 1.1 a third store has been added, as well as a newindex in one of the original tables. By checking the version, your code can know if itshould apply any needed updates or if the user's data store is set up correctly. ThejQuery IndexedDB plug-in handles this automatically. Retrieving DataAfter data has been added to an object store, there must be a way to query and displayit. There are several ways of interest to query data. The program may wish to displayall the data, a subset of the data, or just one row.To retrieve one row, identified by its primary key, use the get method as shown inExample 5-7: This method returns a promise object which is accessed via the thenmethod. The then takes two functions as callbacks: the first is called on success withthe object from the database, and the second, in case of error, with an error object.


  “HTML5是这些天最火热的词,但是它不仅仅是一个专业名词。《HTML5应用编程》提供了足够的知识来指导你学习创建现代Web应用所需的新技术”。  ——Ralph Whitbeck The Officiali Query Podcast的创办者之一






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