
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:中国海洋大学  作者:沃弗雷  页数:434  






作者:(美国)沃弗雷 (Wolfreys.J.)朱利安·沃弗雷,是佛罗里达大学的英语教授,著述丰富,最新著作有:Glossalalia,Thinking Difference,The J.Hillis Miller Reader a nd The Same Story With a Difference:Pickwick’S Vision。


Preface1.Rene Descartes and Baruch Spinoza:BeginningsWan'en Montag2.Immanuel Kant and Georg Wiihelm Friedrich HegelJacques Lepta3.Johann Christian Friedrich Ho1derlinVeronique M.Foti4.Karl MarxRobert C.Holub5.Charles Baudelaire and Stephane MallarmeElizabeth Constable6.Friedrich NietzscheRobert C.Holub7.Sigmund FreudJuliet Flower MacCanneU8.Ferdinand de Saussure and Structural LinguisticsKenneth Womack9.Edmund HusserlClaire Colebrook10.PhenomenologyUllrich Michaei Haase11.Gaston Bachelard and Oeorges Canguilhem:Epistemology in FranceAlison Ross and Amlr Ahmadi12.Jean Paulhan and/versus Francis PongeJan Baetens13.Gyorgy LukacsMitchell R.Lewis14.Russian Formalism,the Moscow Linguistics Circle,and Prague Stmcturalism:Boris Eichenbaum,Jan Mukarovslcy,Victor Shklovsky,Yuri Tynyanov,Roman JakobsonKenneth Womack15.Ludwig WittgensteinWilliam Flesch16.Martin HeideggerChire Colebrook17.Antonio OramsciStephen Shapiro18.Walter BenjaminJeremy TambUng19.Reception Theory:Roman Ingarden,Hans Georg Gadamer and the Geneva SchoolLuke Ferretter20.The Frankfurt School,the Marxist T均dition,Culture and Critical Thinking:Max Horkheimer,Herbert Marcuse,Theodor Adomo,Jargen HabermasKenneth Surrin21.Mikhail BakhtinR.Brandon Kershner22.Georges Bataille and Maurice BlanchotArkady Plomitsky23.Bertolt BrechtLoren Kruger24.1acques LacanJuliet Flower MacCanneU25.The Reception of Hegel and Heidegger in France:Alexandre Kojeve,Jean Hyppolite,Maurice Merleau PontyJean Michel Rabate26.Jean,Paul Sartre,Albert Camus and ExistentialismMark Currie27.Emmanuel LevinasKevin Hart28.Simone de Beauvoir and French FeminismKaren Green29.Claude Levi StraussBoris Wiseman30.Jean GenetAlain Michef Rocheleau31.Paul RicoeurMartin McQuilhn32.Roland BarthesNick Mansfield33.French Structumlism:A.J.Oreimas,Tzvetan Todorov and Gerard GenetmDirk de Geest34.Louis Althusser and his CircleWarren Montag35.Reception Theory and Reader Response:Hans Robert Jauss,Wolfgang Iser,and the School of KonstamJeremy Lane36.Jean,Francois Lyotard and Jearl Baudrillard:The Suspicion of MetanarmtivesGarry Leonard37.The Social and the Cultural:Michel de Certeau,Pierre Bourdieu and Louis MarinBrian Niro38.GiUes Deleme and Kltx GuattariClaire Colebrook39.Michel FoucaultJohn Brannigan40.Jacques DerridaKevin Hart41.Luce IrigarayEwa Ziarek42.Christian MetzMarcia Butzel43.Guy Debord and the Situationist InternationalLynn A.Higgins44.Umberto EcoSurfftee Kim Gmz45.Modernities:Paul Virilio,Oiarmi Vattimo,Giorgio AgambenDavid Punter46.helene CixousJuliet Flower MacCanneu47.Philippe Lacoue Labarthe and Jean Luc NancyHeesok Chang48.Iulia KristevaJoan Bran&49.Slavoj ZizekMiichael Wash50.Cahiers du CinernaMaureen Turim51.Critical Fictions:Experiments in Writing from Le Nouveau Roman to the Oulipojean Baetens52.Tel QuelJean Michel Rabate53.Other French Feminisms:Sarah Kofman,Monique Wittig,Michele Le DoeuffNicoh Fluhr54.Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism in FranceNicholas T.RandContributorsIndex


In his 1949 essay, 'The Mirror Stage' (1966), Jacques Lacan, attempting to take his distance from existentialism, divided philosophy into two camps: those that took the Cog/to as their starting point and those that did not (this statement was repeated many times after, including by some of France's most important thinkers, among them Foucault and Canguilhem). With such a statement, Lacan located the origins of French or even European philosophy not in Husserl, Hegel or even Kant, but in the conflictual field of seventeenth-century philosophy, specifically in the opposing doctrines of Rene Descartes and Baruch Spinoza. This may come as a surprise to the Anglo-American reader for whom the only conflict associated with the seventeenth-century is that between rationalism and empiricism and for whom Spinoza is a secondary or even tertiary figure, a minor Cartesian only recently admitted into the canon of philosophers deemed worthy of scholarly attention. Further, while Descartes's Meditations is well-known even outside the field of philosophy, his name is primarily associated with his proof of God's existence and, through Locke, the doctrine of innate ideas, neither of which are particularly relevant to the concerns of modem French philosophy and theory. How then are we to understand the sense in which the conflict between these two philosophers (assuming that their relation is one of conflict) constitutes a 'beginning'?There is no question of identifying a French or even continental reading, or readings, of Descartes and Spinoza which would then become the correct interpretation in counter-position to the Anglo-American. Nor is it a question of simply multiplying readings as if, without any true relation to their object, they can never be any other than projections of the culture or historical moment in which they emerge. Instead, we will argue that specific historical moments impose on philosophical texts a historically determined (and therefore identifiable) grid that in turn determines what in a text is visible or invisible, what is compelling and what devoid of interest. There are thus no readings independent of texts and no texts independent of reading. Both the text and its history are equally real, equally material; both must be explained.






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