
出版时间:2002-1  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:J. Graham McGeown 著  页数:263  


Ideal for exam preparation or review, MASTER MEDICINE" PHYSIOLOGY, 2ND EDITION presents "must-know" information in a well-ordered style familiar to medical students. The MASTER MEDICINE series reflects the current trend toward a core curriculum and self-directed learning. Diagrams that support the text are presented so that the reader can remember and reproduce them in examinations. Each chapter ends with a selection of self-assessment material and full explanatory answers that summarize and expand upon the chapter contents.     作者简介:    J. G. McGeown, Senior Lecturer in Physiology, Dept. of Physiology, Queen's University, Belfast, UK


Using this book1 Basic principles and cell physiology2 Blood and related physiology3 Cardiovascular physiology4 Respiratory physiology5 Renal physiology6 Gastrointestinal and digestive physiology7 Neuromuscular physiology8 Endocrine physiology9 Reproductive physiologyIndex



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