
出版时间:2008-1  作者:William Nobrega  页数:253  


In 2008, India will likely overtake China as the world’s fastest growing economy and become one of the largest economies globally. Foreign investment is increasing dramatically and business opportunities abound for those who know how to find them. With a growing middle class and booming markets, India holds much promise for investors. Riding the Indian Tiger shows you how to get in on the ground floor and profit from India’s economic boom.


  William Nobrega is President and founder of The Conrad Group, LLC. (www.conradgroupinc.com), a consulting firm specializing in emerging market strategic planning, advisory services for institutional investor groups, and mergers and acquisitions. He ha


Preface Introduction The History of India in EIGHT Pages CHAPTER 1 The Largest Market the World has Ever Seen CHAPTER 2 Bulls & Bears in Mumbai: India's Financial Markets CHAPTER 3 Why India will Outperform China CHAPTER 4 The Road Less Traveled; India's Infrastructure Opportunity CHAPTER 5 The Next Wave; Beyond IT & Outsourcing CHAPTER 6 Look before You Leap CHAPTER 7 Understanding the Indian Business Culture Conclusion The Tiger Begins to Roar ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINDEX



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