
出版时间:2007-12  作者:Lorraine L. Ukens  页数:全二册  


The What Would You Do? game contains eight decision-making scenarios. For each scenario, players have to decide whether to take a collaborative or competitive road, scoring points for each of several rounds. Points are based on how an individual’s choice compares with those of the other players in the group. At the end of the game, players compare their decisions with the other players. The first scenario mirrors the original Prisoner’s Dilemma—two prisoners are captured and brought in for questioning. Each has to decide whether to collaborate (which results in a lighter sentence) or save their own skin (which results in no punishment for one prisoner, and a heavy sentence for the other). Each of the next seven scenarios introduces additional problems that turn up the heat and force the participants to make increasingly difficult ethical decisions.


What Would You Do?LEADER`S GUIDE  Introduction  Background on the Prisoner's Dilemma Overview of What Would You Do? Game Facilitator Guidelines Processing Notes Debriefing Learning Extensions Handout 1: Collaboration Handout 2: Ethics Response Cards Sheet Bibliography About the AuthorWhat Would You Do?PARTIIPANT WORKBOOK Playing the Game Directions for Playing a Round Sample Scoring Scenario 1: Prisoner's Dilemma Scenario 2: On the Right Scenario 3: Kick Back and Relax Scenario 4: Inside Out Scenario 5: By the Numbers Scenario 6: Fixing It Up Scenario 7: Whistle While You Work Scenario 8: What You "Auto" Do Final Scoring Sheet Small Group Discussion Learning Insights Action Planning



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