
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:吉林长白山  作者:Phuli Cohan  页数:282  


A female doctor who has spent more than two decades studying the relationship between hormones and menopause presents a safe, effective program for using natural and bioidentical hormones to combat hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, and many other symptoms linked to menopause-related hormone imbalances. Combining traditions of Chinese medicine with the latest Western developments and discoveries, this easy-to-follow ten-step program helps you create a personalized course of treatment using supplements, herbs, natural and bio-identical hormones, and diet to enhance both safety and hormone effectiveness.


Acknowledgments. Introduction. Chapter 1. Understanding Health and Hormones. Chapter 2. The Steps to Bring Back Balance. Chapter 3. Safety Concerns. Chapter 4. A Healthy Lifestyle. Chapter 5. Know Your Symptoms. Chapter 6. Recommended Tests. Chapter 7. How to Find the Right Doctor and Support Team. Chapter 8. Sex Hormones Part I: Perimenopause and More. Chapter 9. Sex Hormones Part II: Menopause and More. Chapter 10. Adrenal and Thyroid Hormones. Chapter 11. Sleep Hormones. Chapter 12. Growth Hormone. Conclusion. Appendix 1.Appendix 2. References.



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