生物工艺学 Biotechnology

出版时间:1996-3  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Smith, John E.  页数:236  


Biotechnology concerns the practical application of organisms or their components. Historically, biotechnology was an art, involved in the production of wines, beers and cheeses. Nowadays it involves a series of advanced technologies spanning biology, chemistry, and process engineering. In recent years innovations involving genetic engineering have had a major impact on biotechnology. Its applications are diverse, including the production of new drugs, transgenic organisms and biological fuels, gene therapy and clearing up pollution. John Smith, writing in a readily accessible way, describes the history, techniques and applications of biotechnology as well as discussing the ethical issues raised by this modern science. The third edition of this successful book has nearly doubled in size to take account of recent advances. It is important reading for anyone, from school onwards, interested in this field.


General prefacetothe seriesPrefacetothethirdedition  1 An introduction to biotechnology    1.1 Whatisbiotechnology    1.2 Biotechnology——anintetdlsclpli ypursuit    1.3 Biotechnology——athree-component central core    1.4 Product safety    1.5 Publicperceptionofbiotechnology    1.6 Biotechnology andthedevdlpingworld  2 Substratesfor biOtechnolOgy    2.1 Abiomass strategy    2.2 Natural rawmatenals    2.3 Availabilityof by-products    2.4 Chemicalandpetrochemicalfeedstocks    2.5 Rawmaterialsandthefutureofbiotechnology  3 Genetics and biOtechnOlOgy    3.1 Introduction    3.2 Industrialgenetics    3.3 Protoplast andcegfusiontechnologies    3.4 Geneticengineering    3.5 Potentiallaboratorybiohazardsofgenetic engleering    3. 6 Thepolymerase chain reaction  4 Bioprocess/fermentation technology    4.1 Introduction    4.2 Principlesofmicrobialgrowth    4.3 Theblilreactor/fermenter    4.4 Scale—up    4.5 Mediadesignforfermentationprocesses    4.6 Solid substratefermentation    4.7 Technologyofmamnlalianandplmltcell culture    4.8 Downstreamprocessing  5 Enzyme technology    5.1 Thenature of enzymes    5.2 Tileapplicationof enzymes    5.3 Genetic engineeringmidprotein gineefing of enzymes    5.4 The technologyof enzymeproduction    5.5 lrlmlobliised enzymes  6 Biological fuel generation    6.1 Photosynthesis—theuldmateenergyresource    6.2 Sourcesof biomass    6.3 Ethanolfrom hlomass    6.4 Methanefrombiomass    6.5 Hydfogmn  7 Single cell protein    7.1 Theneedforprotein    7.2 Acceptabilityandtoxicologyof SCP    7.3 SCPderivedfromhilgh energy 8…ces    7.4 SCP froinwastc8    7.5 SCPfrom agriculturalcrops    7.6 SCPfromalgae    7.7 The economicimplicationsof SCP  8 Biotechnology and medicine    8.1 Introduction    8.2 Pharmaceuticals andhiopharmaceuticals    8.3 Antibiotics    8.4 Vaccinesmidmonoclonalantibodies    8.5 Biopharrnaceuticals    8.6 Genetherapy          9.environmental biotechhnology  10.biotechnology in the agricultural and forestry industries  11.food and beverage biotechnology  12.protection of biotechnological inventions  13.safety in biotechnology  14.genetic engineering-safety,social,moral and ethical consideations  15.conclusinsGlossaryFurther readingIndex



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