工作场所的沟通 Communication in the workplace / Baden Eunson.

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Eunson, Baden  页数:148  


Communication in the Workplace is a revealing snapshot of how organisations really work.  In workplaces throughout Australia and across the planet, billions of messages are sent in various forms every day, but not all of them get through.  Of those that do, many are misunderstood.  Communication breakdown is just as common as communication effectiveness, but it doesn't have to be that way.  Become a more effective communicator by finding out how messages can be sent - and distorted - by differing channels, including:      * memos      * emails      * meetings      * teleconferencing      * instant messaging.  Expert communicator Baden Eunson shares insights about the informal organisation, networking, how to know when messages are being lost due to cultures of silence, silos or empires (and what to do about it), and explains how knowledge management can help you get your message across.


PrefaceIntroduction1  Communication or communications?2  How communication works, and how it breaks down-- a model3  Communication--effectiveness and ethics4  The formal organisation--how it works, and how it fails5  Networks, virtual organisations and networking6  The informal organisation--I heard it through the grapevine7  Organisational culture, silence and managing knowledgeConclusionNotesGlossaryIndex



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