(友情与亲情)CONNECTING - Family and Friends

出版时间:1998-12  出版社:第1版 (1998年4月15日)  作者:Lee Gutkind  页数:245  


Gutkind (English, Univ. of Pittsburgh) is the editor of Creative Nonfiction, a journal espousing a genre whereby techniques for writing fiction are adapted for narrating dramatic true stories. The concept is reminiscent of the "new journalism" advocated several decades ago by Tom Wolfe et al. This collection consists of 20 contemporary essays about relationships, frequently rooted in memories of families and friends, which are, according to the editor, "predominant shaping forces" and lifelong influences. Noteworthy contributions include B.J. Nelson's account of assisting his mother's suicide, Alice Hoffman's recitation of simple but profound truths couched in her grandmother's humor, and Deborah Tannen's poignant reminiscences of her adored father. Each writer's style is unique and the collection provides a rich variety of compelling stories. Recommended for public and academic libraries.?Denise J. Stankovics, Rockville P.L., Vernon, CT    Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.


introduction: From Fiction and Poetry--to Nonfiction: An EvolutionJoyce Carol Oates They All Just Went Away  Richard Ford Accommodations  John McPhee Rising from the Plains  B. J. Nelson Mother's Last Request  Judy Ruiz Oranges and Sweet Sister Boy  Raymond Carver My Father's Life  Hilary Koski The Beauty Parlor  Phillip Richards Leaving the Folk Jack Cady Welcome Sweet Springtime  Julene Bair Housewives, Fieldhusbands  Bob Cowser, Jr. Scorekeeping Alice Hoffman Advice from My Grandmother  Richard Shelton The Iceman  Daniel Stolar My Home CourtPhillip Lopate The Story of My Father Enid Baron My Mother and Louis B.MayerRebecca McClanahan Dependent  Lee Gutkind Teeth  Deborah Tannen Daddy Young and Old  Alec Wilkinson Nancy Gahl



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