儿童版天气大百科/Children's Weather Encyclopedia

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Spilsbury, Louise (EDT)  页数:221  


The Children's WEATHER Encyclopedia is a clear and comprehensive guide to our planet's weather and climate, full of fascinating facts and intriguing information.Discover the answers to questions such as: What makes a tornado spin? Where ore the hottest and coldest places on Earth? How do humans affect the climate? Why do animals hibernate?


WHAT IS WEATHER? How weather affects us  The Sun In the sky Clouds Name that cloud Rain Snow and hail Frost and dew Fo9 and mist Wind Worldwide winds Special effectsCLIMATE What is climate? Hot or cold? Surface features Climate zones Biomes Polar climates Cool climates Temperate climates Tropical climates Mediterranean climates Hot desert climates Changin9 climatesSEASONS What causes the seasor Measurin9 seasons Winter Sprin9 Summer Fall Animal life cycles Stay or leave? Wet and dry seasons Extreme seasons Special seasons Celebratin9 seasonsWILD WEATHER Extreme weather Thunder and lightning Floods Drought Heat wave Wildfires Blizzards Hurricanes Tornadoes Sandstorms  Monsoon winds  El NinoWEATHER DISASTERSWEATHER FORECASTSWEATHER POWERWEATHER AND US CLOSSARYINDEX




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