一锅做出多样菜/Just One Pot

出版时间:2007-10  出版社:Parragon  页数:96  


Whether it's a cold winter's day or a hot summer's afternoon, the aroma of home-cooked meals makes us hungry and there's no denying that the kitchen is a pleasant place to be when it's filled with mouth-watering aromas. It's even better when it takes just one pot to cook the meal and this inspired collection of easy-to-follow, one-pot recipes is guaranteed to tickle those taste buds. From substantial soups to slow-cooked stews and from creamy risottos to melt-in-the-mouth casseroles, there are delicious dishes to suit all tastes and every family member You're also sure to find something for every occasion, whether a lazy weekend snuggled up by the fire or a quick and easy midweek supper There are lots of clever ideas for meal-in-a-bowl soups and all kinds of dishes based on meat, poultry, fish and seafood, or vegetables--all of them packed with flavor and certain to impress.


1 Meal-in-a-Bowl Soups2 Mest Feasts3 Poultry Pot Wonders4 Fish & Seafood Suppers5 Vegetable HeavenIndex



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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   已经时间了两个菜,都不错而且做法都很简单

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