
出版时间:2003-7-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:施平  页数:354  字数:582000  


   本书的主要目的是使读者掌握机械工程专业英语术语及用法,培养和提高读者阅读和翻译专业英语文献资料的能力。本书的主要内容包括:力学,机械零件与机构,机械工程材料,润滑与摩擦,机械制图,公差与配合,机械设计,机械制造,管理,现代制造技术,科技写作。全书共有68篇课文及10篇阅读材料,其中30篇课文有参考译文。  本书可以作为机械设计制造及自动化,机械工程及自动化和机电工程等专业的专业英语教材,也可以供从事机械工程各专业工作的工程技术人员参考使用。?


Lesson 1  Basic Concept in MechanicsLesson 2  Forces and Their EffectsLesson 3  Overview of Engineering MechanicsLesson 4  Shafts and CouplingsLesson 5  Shafts and Associated PartsLesson 6  Belts, Clutches, Brakes, and ChainsLesson 7  Fasteners and SpringsLesson 8  Threaded FastenersLesson 9   Rolling Contact BearingsLesson 10  Turbine Engine Bearings for Ultra?High TemperaturesLesson 11  Machine Tool FramesLesson 12  Spur GearsLesson 13  The Strength of Mechanical Elements  ??Lesson 14  Failure Prevention Analysis in Mechanical Design  Lesson 15  Kinematics and Dynamics  ??Lesson 16  Mechanisms and Machines:Basic Concepts  ?Lesson 17  Material Selection  ?Lesson 18  Selection of Fastener Materials  ?Lesson 19  Gear Materials (Reading Material)  Lesson 20  Friction and Lubrication  ??Lesson 21  LubricationLesson 22  Lubrication and Journal Bearing (Reading Material)  ??Lesson 23  Introduction to Tribology  ?Lesson 24  Introduction to Working Drawings  ??Lesson 25  Working Drawings  ?Lesson 26  Computer Graphics (Reading Material)  ?Lesson 27  Dimensional Tolerance  ?Lesson 28  Fundamentals of Manufacturing Accuracy  ?Lesson 29  Tolerances and Surface Roughness  ?Lesson 30  Introduction to Mechanical Design  ??Lesson 31  Engineering Design  Lesson 32  Some Rules for Mechanical Design  ??Lesson 33  Mechanical DesignLesson 34  The Computer in Design and Graphics  ??Lesson 35  The Engineering Design Process (Reading Material)Lesson 36  Lathes  Lesson 37  Milling Machines and Grinding Machines  ??Lesson 38  Drilling OperationsLesson 39  Gear Manufacturing MethodsLesson 40  Hard?Part Machining with Ceramic Inserts  ?Lesson 41  Machine Tool Motors  ??Lesson 42  The Development of Metal Cutting (Reading Material)  ??Lesson 43  The Development of Machine Tools (Reading Material)Lesson 44  Nontraditional Manufacturing ProcessesLesson 45  Implementation of Nontraditional Manufacturing ProcessesLesson 46  Machining of EngineeringCeramics Lesson 47  Definitions and Terminology of Vibration  ?Lesson 48  Mechanical Vibrations  ??Lesson 49  Automated AssemblyLesson 50  The Roles of Engineers in Manufacturing  ?Lesson 51  The Manufacturing Enterprise  ??Lesson 52  Careers in Manufacturing  ??Lesson 53 Manufacturing Research Centers at U.S. Universities(Reading Material) Lesson 54  Developments in Manufacturing Technology(Reading Material)Lesson 55  Making a Cost Estimate  ?Lesson 56  Flexible Manufacturing System  ?Lesson 57  Quality and Inspection  ??Lesson 58  Quality in the Modern Business Environment  ?Lesson 59  Reliability Requirements  ?Lesson 60  Product Reliability  ??Lesson 61  Product Liability Prevention (Reading Material)Lesson 62  The Computer and Manufacturing  Lesson 63  Computers in Design and Manufacturing  ??Lesson 64  Computer  Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems  ?Lesson 65  Computer?Aided Process Planning  ??Lesson 66  Process Planning  Lesson 67  Numerical ControlLesson 68  Numerical Control SoftwareLesson 69  Training ProgrammersLesson 70  The History of Numerical Control (Reading Material)  ?Lesson 71  Industrial Robots  ?Lesson 72  RoboticsLesson 73  Components of a Robot System  ?Lesson 74  Robotic SensorsLesson 75  Mechanical Engineering in the Information Age  ?Lesson 76  Mechatronics  ?Lesson 77  Technical Report Elements  ?Lesson 78  Introduction to Technical Writing  ?参考译文??第1课  力学基本概念第4课  轴和联轴器第7课  紧固件和弹簧第9课  滚动轴承第13课  机械零件的强度第17课  材料选择第21课  润滑第23课  摩擦学概论第24课  工作图简介第27课  尺寸公差第29课  公差与表面粗糙度第30课  机械设计概论第32课  机械设计准则第34课  计算机在设计和制图中的应用第36课  车床第39课  齿轮制造方法第44课  特种加工工艺第46课  工程陶瓷的机械加工第47课  振动的定义和术语第50课  工程师在制造业中的作用第55课  成本估算第57课  质量与检测第59课  可靠性要求第62课  计算机与制造业第65课  计算机辅助工艺设计第67课  数字控制第69课  培训编程人员第71课  工业机器人第73课  机器人系统的组成部分第75课  信息时代的机械工程  ?参考文献



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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   这本书的课文难易适中,比较适合初学者,而且课文内容丰富,文章中包含了在机械领域内绝大部分的专业单词和语句。总的来说这是一本优秀的机械英语书,我已经把它学了一遍,感觉受益匪浅,所有在这里向大家推荐。
  •   自学的时候,一本好的书起到很大的做用,现在这里就是一本很不错的书,对于一个学习机械专业的人,掌握专业英语对其个人发展是很有帮助的!
  •   专业词汇很好,喜欢,因为是一直想要的书,所以才买的.
  •   我是上理大三的学生,在网上买了这本书,平时就翻着看看.印刷质量也还行,就是我这本不知什么原因,送来的时候书皮折了下,,,希望贵网站下次能注意下,,,
  •   比较详细。很好。
  •   看了4课,翻译的还可以但可以肯定,汉语翻译绝非作者本人翻译的翻译的很差
  •   一部分文章没有汉语翻译
  •   怎么没有单词的词汇表呢
  •   凑合着用把
  •   都是课文,没实际用途

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