
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:司汤达  页数:536  


  世界文学名著表现了作者描述的特定时代的文化。阅读这些名著可以领略著者流畅的文笔、逼真的描述、详细的刻画,让读者如同置身当时的历史文化之中。为此,我们将这套精心编辑的“名著典藏”奉献给广大读者。  我们找来了专门研究西方历史、西方文化的专家学者,精心挑选了这些可以代表西方文学的著作,并听取了一些国外专门研究文学的朋友的建议,请教了专业的翻译人员,精选英文译本,不删节、不做任何人为改动,让读者能享受纯正的英文。


司汤达,法国19世纪上半叶批判现实主义作家。他从小深受18世纪启蒙作家的影响,在政治上是拿破仑的崇拜者。在19世纪最初30年资产阶级与封建阶级的政治斗争中,坚决站在资产阶级立场上,以文艺为武器对封建阶级、反动教会进行了勇敢的揭露和深刻的批判。其代表作《红与黑》就是以对王政复辟时期的阶级政治斗争出色的描写而成为批判现实主义的杰作。   《红与黑》是十九世纪法国杰出的现实主义作家司汤达的代表作。叙述一个木匠的儿子于连·索黑尔,个性倔强,因精通拉丁文,得为当地市长的家庭教师。他与市长夫人发生了恋情,被迫进了与人世生活隔绝的修道院。修道院的主持人看重他,把他介绍给巴黎的一个侯爵做私人秘书。他又与侯爵的女儿发生恋情,但因阶级的悬殊及反对者的破坏,不能与侯爵小姐正式结婚。于连·索黑尔忿激之下,去暗杀他以前的情人市长夫人。她虽然没有因刺致命,但于连却因此被敌对阶级的忌妒者判处了死刑……


BOOK ONE  CHAPTER 1  A Small Town  CHAPTER 2  A Mayor  CHAPTER 3  The Bread of the Poor  CHAPTER 4  Father and Son  CHAPTER 5  Driving a Bargain  CHAPTER 6  Dullness  CHAPTER 7  Elective Affinities  CHAPTER 8  Minor Events  CHAPTER 9  An Evening in the Country  CHAPTER 10  A Large Heart and a Small Fortune  CHAPTER 11  Night Thoughts  CHAPTER 12  A Journey  CHAPTER 13  Open-work Stockings  CHAPTER 14  The English Scissors  CHAPTER 15  Cock-crow  CHAPTER 16  The Day After  CHAPTER 17  The Principal Deputy  CHAPTER 18  A King at Verri6rcs  CHAPTER 19  To Think Is to Be Full of Sorrow  CHAPTER 20  The Anonymous Letters  CHAPTER 21  Conversation with a Lord and Master  CHAPTER 22  Manners and Customs in 1830  CHAPTER 23  The Sorrows of an Official  CHAPTER 24  A Capital  CHAPTER 25  The Seminary  CHAPTER 26  The World, or What the Rich Lack  CHAPTER 27  First Experience of Life  CHAPTER 28  A Procession  CHAPTER 29  The First Step  CHAPTER 30  AmbitionBOOK TWO    CHAPTER 1  Country Pleasures  CHAPTER 2  First Appearance in Society  CHAPTER 3 First Steps  CHAPTER 4  The Hotel de La Mole  CHAPTER 5  Sensibility and a Pious Lady  CHAPTER 6  Pronunciation  CHAPTER 7  An Attack of Gout  CHAPTER 8  What Is the Decoration that ConfersDistinction?  CHAPTER 9  The Ball  CHAPTER 10  Queen Marguerite  CHAPTER 11  The Tyranny of a Girl  CHAPTER 12  Another Danton  CHAPTER 13  A Plot  CHAPTER 14  A Girl's Thoughts  CHAPTER 15  Is it a Plot?  CHAPTER 16  One o'Clock in the Morning  CHAPTER 17  An Old Sword  CHAPTER 18  Painful Moments  CHAPTER 19  The Opera-Bouffe  CHAPTER 20  The Japanese Vase  CHAPTER 21  The Secret Note  CHAPTER 22  The Discussion  CHAPTER 23  The Clergy, their Forests, Liberty  CHAPTER 24  Strasbourg    CHAPTER 25  The Office of Virtue  CHAPTER 26  Moral Love  CHAPTER 27  The Best Positions in the Church  CHAPTER 28  Manon Lescaut  CHAPTER 29  Boredom  CHAPTER 30  A Box at the Bouffes  CHAPTER 31  Making Her Afraid  CHAPTER 32  The Tiger  CHAPTER 33  The Torment of the Weak  CHAPTER 34  A Man of Spirit  CHAPTER 35  A Storm  CHAPTER 36  Painful Details  CHAPTER 37  A Dungeon  CHAPTER 38  A Man of Power  CHAPTER 39  Intrigue  CHAPTER 40  Tranquillity  CHAPTER 41  The Trial  CHAPTER 42  In the Prison  CHAPTER 43  Last Adieux  CHAPTER 44  The Shadow of the Guillotine  CHAPTER 45  Exit Julien  TO THE HAPPY FEW


  Fortunately for M. de Rnals reputation as an administrator, a hugeretaining wall was required for the public avenue which skirts thehillside a hundred feet above the bed of the Doubs. To this admirableposition it is indebted for one of the most picturesque views in France.But, every spring, torrents of rainwater made channels across the avenue,carved deep gullies in it and left it impassable. This nuisance, whichaffected everybody alike, placed M. de Rnal under the fortunateobligation to immortalise his administration by a wall twenty feet inheight and seventy or eighty yards long.  The parapet of this wall, to secur which M. de Rnal was obliged tomake three journeys to Paris, for the Minister of the Interior before lasthad sworn a deadly enmity to the Verrirres avenue; the parapet of thiswall now rises four feet above the ground. And, as though to defy allMinisters past and present, it is being finished off at this moment withslabs of dressed stone. How often, my thoughts straying back to the ball-rooms of Paris,which I had forsaken overnight, my elbows leaning upon those greatblocks of stone of a fine grey with a shade of blue in it, have I sweptwith my gaze the vale of the Doubs! Over there, on the left bank, arefive or six winding valleys, along the folds of which the eye can makeout quite plainly a number of little streams. After leaping from rock torock, they may be seen falling into the Doubs. The sun is extremely hotin these mountains; when it is directly overhead, the travelers rest issheltered on this terrace by a row of magnificent planes.




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用户评论 (总计21条)


  •   司汤达经典终于买到英文版的了,经典之作,对提高英文阅读能力很有帮助。
  •   英文版的法国著名小说,读起来井井有味
  •   买了很多英语原著,特别喜欢上海世图的版本。字体适中,眼睛看着不累。书本尺寸不大不小,握着很舒服。
  •   很赞哦哦哦
  •   书的纸质不太好,纸还折了
  •   买的时候不知道是原文书,不过随手翻了一下,应该还不错
  •   很棒的一本书,适合学生看。物流也很给力!满意!
  •   书都退了,我也不多说了。。。
  •   有助于我的英语学习 感觉很不错 质感也很好
  •   以后还会买的,当当网买书真不错
  •   刚看,有点小难
  •   字体纸张还不错不过我不喜欢这种纸质还算满意
  •   买错了,看不懂,呵呵,留着给孩子看吧
  •   有点小失望,封面是软皮的,有点折
  •   没有中文,意外,没注意到
  •   中译本《红与黑》郝运先生的最准确传神,文字又有西方文化的味道,不像有的译家翻译成中国小说一样,把塞纳河译成长江,把圣诞夜译成除夕,把德瑞娜夫人最后去世译成“情恨离别天”,妈了个巴子简直是扯淡,成了言情、色情小说,译者还自鸣得意。看看英语本怎么样?能不能比郝运译本更歪瑞古德。
  •   书挺好的,给孩子看的
  •   书收到了,非常好
  •   书感觉不错就是书皮上有土
  •   没看到是英文版,只能用来学英语了
  •   书太脏了,还有掉页的趋势,唯一能满意的,可能就剩字体大小了

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