
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:蓝青  页数:313  


  哈尼·拉希德(Hani Rashid)和利斯·安尼·库蒂尔(Lise Anne C0u-lure).渐近线建筑事务所的创始人和负责人,是他们那一代建筑业界的领头人物,他们充满创新性的作品和学术贡献在国际上享誉颇高。自从渐近线建筑事务所于‘1989~!创立开始,该公司就一直走在建筑与设计领域技术创新的前沿,其富有远见的建筑设计、大规模的总体规划、艺术装置、展览和产品设计以及数字化环境皆广受好评。渐近线建筑事务所目前正在从事的一系列委任项目广泛分布于美国、欧洲和亚洲,包括位于匈牙利布达佩斯190 Vfici商业区的两座商业办公大楼,以及位于韩国釜山的国际商务中心一一所罗门集团塔楼,该塔高达560米,将跻身于亚洲最高摩天大楼的行列。还有正在建设中的槟城环球城市中心(PGCC),那是位于马来西亚槟城的集文化、酒店及表演艺术为一体的建筑群,占地100万平方米;多层塔(Strata 1-ower),一座位于阿联酋阿布扎比的创新性的四十层住宅建筑;以及同样位于阿布扎比,由古根海姆基金会为萨迪亚特岛文化区委任设计的两座当代艺术展览馆。渐近线建筑事务所最近的其他竞争提案包括:获奖的格鲁吉亚第比利斯标志性的集团总部,该建筑高40层;迪拜国际金融中心,一座点缀在该城市天际线上的146层建筑物;以及为墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的新古根海姆博物馆所做的戏剧性设计。位于阿联酋阿布扎比的亚斯大酒店,是一座拥有500间客房的豪华酒店,毗邻亚斯岛滨海区的一级方程式赛道,目前正在建设中。位于荷兰哈勒默梅尔市的HydraPier展览馆屡获殊荣,是渐近线建筑事务所最近完成的作品之一。近二十年来,渐近线建筑事务所也尝试了实验艺术装置制作以及展览设计工作,还包括利用多媒体技术进行的场馆设计,如纽约的所罗门·R·古根海姆博物馆、第十一届德国卡塞尔文献展、法兰克福锡恩美术馆和马德里公共工程部。2000年,哈尼·拉希德代表美国出席第七届威尼斯建筑双年展,并于2004年,拉希德和库蒂尔当选为第九届威尼斯建筑双年展“蜕变”展的建筑设计师。渐近线建筑事务所的所有作品已被广泛地出版,并被收藏进纽约现代艺术博物馆、德国慕尼黑美术馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆、巴黎蓬皮杜中心和法国新奥尔良中央地区当代艺术馆的各种私人和公共收藏品中。2004年,拉希德和库蒂尔获得了令人称羡的弗雷德里克’基斯勒建筑与艺术奖,以表彰其在推进建筑与艺术的前进和融合方面所做出的突出贡献。




  Hani Rashid and Lise Anne Couture,founders and principals ofAsymptote Architecture,are leading architecturaI practitioners oftheir generation whose innovative work and academic contributionshave received internationaI acclaim.Since Asymptote s founding in1 989.thefirm has been at the forefront of technological innovation inthe field of architecture and design and garnered praise for visionarybuilding designs,large-scale master plans,art installations,exhibitionand product design and digital environments.Asymptote is currently working on a broad range of commissions atsites in the United States.Europe and Asia including two commercialoffice towers at 1 90 Vaci in Budapest,Hungary and the World BusinessCenter Solomon Tower in Busan,South Korea,a skyscraper that willbe among the tallest buildings in Asia at 560m.Also in progress arethe Penang GIobal City Center(PGCC),a one-million-square-metercultural,hotel and performing arts complex in Penang,Malaysia;the Strata Tower,an innovative,forty-story residential~,:tower in AbuDhabi,UAE and two contemporary art pavilions commissioned bythe Guggenheim Foundation for the CulturaI District of Saadiyatlsland.also in Abu Dhabi.Other recent competition proposalsfrOm Asymptote include the winning entry for an iconic,forty-storycorporate headquarters in Tbilisi.Georgia;the Dubai InternationalFinancial Center,a 146一story building that punctuates the city sskyline;and a dramatic design for a new Guggenheim Museumin Guadalajara.Mexico.The Yas HoteI,a 500一room,luxury hoteladjacent to the new Formula 1 Yas Marina Circuit.is currently underconstruction in Abu Dhabi,UAE.The award-winning HydraPier Pavilion in Haarlemmermeer,Netherlands is amongst Asymptote s recently completed works.For nearly two decades Asymptote has also produced experimentalart installations and exhibition design work involving multimediatechnologies for venues such as the Solomon R.GuggenheimMuseum in New York City;Documenta XI in Kassel.Germany;theSchirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt and the Ministry of Public Works inMadrid.1n 2000 Hani Rashid co-represented the United States atthe Seventh Venice Architecture Biennale,and in 2004 Rashid andCouture were chosen as the design architects for Metamorph,theNinth Venice Architecture Biennale.All of Asymptote s work has been widely published and is included invarious private and public collections including the Museum Of ModernArt in New York,the Pinakothek in Munich,the San Francisco Museum0f Modern Art.the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Frac Centre jnOrleans,France.1n 2004 Rashid and Couture were presented withthe coveted Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and the Arts inrecognition of exceptional contributions to the progress and mergingof art and architectLJre.  ……




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