
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:何三宁 编  页数:298  


  翻译是一门快速发展的学科,及时修订教科书是非常必要的一项工作。为了使教材内容更科学、更实用、更适应于时代的需求,我们决定进行合理的修订、整合和增补。具体做法如下:补充和完菩了原第1章“翻译简述”;把原第2、3、5章(Lexical Translation,Semantic Translation,How to Translate Numbers)整合在了一起,设置为第2章“词法翻译”,显得更为合理科学;把原第4、6、7章(How to Translate the Negative,How to Translate the Passive,How to Translate Long Sentences)整合在一起,更名为现在的第3章“句法翻译”;把原第9章(Cultural Translation)前移为现在的第4章“文化翻译”,以突出文化在翻译中的重要性;增设补充第5章“文学翻译”和第6章“科学翻译”;分解和修订原第8章,单设为现在的第7章“应用翻译”,其中包括“行业翻译”、“实用翻译”和“媒体翻译”,以体现其实用性;原有的第10章(Some Terms in Translation and Their Understanding)自然成为现在的第8章,并补充了部分常用的概念,以满足英语专业学生考研的需求。“附录”部分保持不变,只是做了少量的修订。  本教材此次修订幅度比较大,主要是出于几种考虑:第一,该教材自2005年8月第一版以来,受到了广泛肯定,屡次重印。部分高校还把此教材列入2008年、2009年的硕士研究生招生参考书目中。我们深感有责任去完善教材,使其能够与时俱进,适应时代的需求。其次,原教材主张的教学模式和“讲授→分析→总结→对比→实践→讲评→阅读”的理念适合我国学生翻译课的学习和实践,在我校英语专业使用的效果很好。学生普遍反映此教材实用性强、知识点易于掌握。由此2006年原教材获得了校级教学成果一等奖。更为重要的是,本次修订对讲授内容及其划分做了更加科学化的调整。




Chapter1:翻译简述  1.1 什么是翻译  1.2 译者的素质  1.3 翻译技巧的重要性  1.4 翻译原则  1.5 翻译的过程  1.6 翻译工作的六大趋势  1.7 提高翻译水平之道  1.8 课堂评估测试Chapter2:词法翻译  2.1 词类转译  2.2 省词与增词翻译  2.3 语义翻译  2.4 数字的翻译Chapter3:结构翻译  3.1 否定句的翻译  3.2 被动句的翻译  3.3 长句的翻译Chapter4:文化翻译  4.1 Differences between “Culture”in English and 文化 in Chinese汉英文化的差异  4.2 文化与语言的关系  4.3 翻译与文化  4.4 文化中的词义翻译  4.5 习语的文化内涵与翻译  4.6 委婉语的文化内涵与翻译  4.7 比较与分析  4.8 练习Chapter5:文学翻译  5.1 文学翻译的定义  5.2 文学翻译的范畴  5.3 文学翻译的标准  5.4 文学翻译的过程  5.5 文学翻译需要注意的方面  5.6 练习Chapter6:科学文本翻译  6.1 科学翻译的文本类型和范畴  6.2 科学文本的特点  6.3 比较与分析  6.4 练习Chapter7:应用文本翻译Chapter8:一些翻译术语及其理解Appendix1 对比阅读Appendix2 常用头街Appendix3 常用公示语Appendix4 论文参考题目Appendix5 阅读书目参考文献


  Translation, generally speaking, implies rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. It is essentially the faithful representation in one language of what is written or spoken in another. It is the replacement of the information of the source language by its counterpart of the target language. Also it can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.  However, translation, in a narrow sense, is the practice of finding the equivalent both in form and essence between two cultures. The two terms translation and translating should be distinguished for a translator. Translation just refers to the act that the translator translates from one language into another, and translating is the process in which the translator does his best to convey the message of the source language. Furthermore, translating is not a word-for-word conversion, but a process of bilingual and intercultural communication. It expresses the message of the source language from the receptor language message, and the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that between the original receptor and the message.  Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, or rhetorical devices. As a means of communication, translation plays an important role in human civilization. In the West, literary translation can be traced back to 300 B. C. , while in China, recorded translation activities were even earlier, dating from the Zhou Dynasty (1100 B. C. ). However, not until recent centuries, especially by the end of the 19th century did systematic study of translation get under way. In the past decades translation theories and activities have developed fast both at home and abroad.  World-famous British writer and dictionary compiler, Sammel Johnson, once said, "To translate is to change into another language, retaining as much of the sense as one can. " This definition for translation has two key points. One is "to change into", which tells us that translation is an act of putting one language in place of another language.




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  •   很好的书 质量没有问题
  •   上课用的,这次送货速度够快
  •   书很好。送货快。质量好
  •   买来自己用的,质量不错,纸质也很好,速度也快第二天就到了。呵呵,总之很满意
  •   还可以,书中练习题没有答案;另外翻译理论是用英语描述的,看起来有点费劲。是教材风格的,不是我需要的翻译实务风格。

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