2011年 高考档案 英语

出版时间:2004-10-1  出版社:中国和平出版社  作者:本丛书编写组  页数:370  字数:610000  




专题一 名词专题二 冠词专题三 代词专题四 形容词与副词专题五 介词专题六 动词及动词短语专题七 动词的时态与语态专题八 非谓语动词专题九 情态动词与虚拟语气专题十 定语从句专题十一 名词性从句专题十二 连词与状语从句专题十三 特殊句式专题十四 情景交际专题十五 完形填空专题十六 阅读理解专题十七 书面表达专题十八 各地高考题型参考答案


  The word advertising refers to any kind of public announcement that brings products and services to the attention of people.Throughout history, advertising has been an effective way to pro-mote(促进) the trading and selling of goods. In the MiddleAges, merchants employed "town criers" to read public messagesaloud to promote their goods. When printing was invented in the fifteenth century, pages of advertisements (ads) could be printedeasily and were either hung in public places or put in books.  By the end of the seventeenth century, when newspaperswere beginning to be read by more people, printed materials be-came an important way to promote products and services. The London Gazette was the first newspaper to set aside a place just foradvertising. This was so successful that by the end of the centuryseveral companies started businesses for the purpose of makingnewspaper ads for merchants.  Advertising spread quickly throughout the eighteenth century. Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text. Everything, from clothes to drinks, was promoted with clever methods such as repetition of the firm's name or product, words organized in eye-catching patterns, the use of prettypictures and expressions easy to remember.   ......






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