CAROLINA WAY(篮球教练中的领导艺术)

出版时间:2004-2  出版社:Gerald D. Bell Penguin Press HC, The (2004-02出版)  作者:Gerald D. Bell  页数:337  


Smith won more games (875) than any other coach in college-basketball history. His teams at North Carolina were characterized by unselfishness, preparedness, and basketball intelligence. It's not surprising that Smith has a few cogent thoughts to offer on the matter of leadership. He begins by explaining what leadership means to him. Then former players comment on the concept as Smith applied it during their careers. Next, he tailors his lesson to a business application. Among the topics he explores are teamwork, winning, losing, planning for the future, building confidence, and setting goals. "Successful-coach-offers-business-advice" books are a publishing staple, but too often they consist of little more than commonsense platitudes mixed with some playing-field anecdotes. Smith breaks the pattern here, thanks in large part to his understanding that business isn't basketball, and direct correlations between sport and real life are often specious. It's apparent that Smith would have found success in virtually any field he'd chosen as his life's work. Readers will sit up and pay attention because the coach has something to say. Wes Lukowsky Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved.    作者简介:GERALD D.BELL,PH.D.,has master's degrees form the University of Colorado and Yale and a doctorate form Yale.He has tautht at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School for more than thirty years and has headed bess Leadership since 1972.His ledership-training sessions have been attended by approximately 500,000 managers in more than 4,700 organizations for more than 85 countries.Dr,Bell is the author of The Acbievers and is at work on an Achievers series.


Dean Smith is the winningest coach in the history of not only college basketball but  of any sport. Smith is the author of the bestselling A Coach’s Life; he lives in Chapel Hill,  North Carolina.  Gerald D. Bell has taught at the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School for  more than thirty years. John Kilgo is an award-winning newspaper columnist, living in Davidson, North Carolina. Roy Williams is the current head basketball coach at the University of North Carolina.


Preface by Roy WilliamsIntroductionPART ONE  THE FOUNDATIONS  1.First Principles  2.Play Hard:Play Together:Play Smart  3.Winning  4.LosingPART TWO  PLAYING HARD  5.Caring  6.Practicing  7.Recruiting the Players  8.Honesty  9.Breaking bad Habits  10.Breaking Bak Habits  11.Fun,Fatigue,and the Long SeasonPART THREE  PLAYING TOGETHER  11.Teamwork  12.Defining and Understanding Roles  13.Why Unselfishness Works  14.Team-Building TechniquesPART FOUR  PLAYING SMART  15.Every Man on the Team Is Important  16.Taking Care of the Little  Things  17.One-on-One Meetings  18.Goals and Expectations  19.Building Confidence  20.Earning the Support of the Bigger Team  21.Discipline Must Be Fair  22.Continuous LearnigPART FIVE  LESSONS LEARNED  23.Don't Dwell on the Past  24.Don's Fear Change  25.The Olympics:When Winning Was the Goal  26.Hopes for the FutureAcknowledgmentsIndex


...wickedly witty for the often sober-minded Helprin... -- Library Journal, March 15, 2005[Helprin] frequently astounds with the freshness of voice and the oddly soaring majesty of this admittedly silly and inconsequential fable. -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review, March 21, 2005this novel is great silly fun - a rowdy, rambunctious read that's part acid farce, part bittersweet fairy tale. -- New York Times, July 14, 2005


Though it is hard to be a king, it is harder yet to become one," begins this wildly imaginative, adventure-filled, clever—and also overlong and self-indulgent—parody of a future king and queen of England, who are dead ringers for Charles and Diana. Freddy lacks the charisma and royal presence that would qualify him for kingship (in spite of his intelligence and book smarts), so he and his gorgeous but dumb wife, Fredericka, are packed off to a savage land—America—where Freddy must fulfill a mysterious quest in order to achieve his destiny. Helprin (The Pacific and Other Stories, etc.) plays out his zany plot on a grand scale, attempting a satiric critique of modern English and American society. The narrative is loaded with witty philosophical asides about the folly of human nature and of the governments people elect or endure. When the dorky prince and his ditsy wife arrive incognito in America, parachuting naked into New Jersey, they embark on a series of screwball adventures that take them from coast to coast. Most momentously, Freddy finds himself a secret adviser to an egregiously stupid presidential candidate. Rarely does the narrative shimmer with the lyricism that distinguishes Helprin's best work, but readers can have fun with this book, which is probably all Helprin intended.  Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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