博茨瓦纳与纳米比亚 Botswana&Namibia

出版时间:2007-02-01  出版社:Lonely Planet  作者:Paula Hardy  页数:424  


Make peace with your creator and jump out of a plane over the dune fields at Swakopmund p319. Brace yourself against the wind and fog on the Skeleton Coast p305. Reconnect with your food by diving finger first into a steaming-hot plate of stew and pap p81. Get a face-first view of the Namib Desert as you slide down a dune on a greased-up masonite board p319. Scope some serious bling at Jwaneng, which produces 10 million carats of diamonds annually p86. Two dedicated authors, 146 days of in-country research, 84 maps, 41 Windhoek Lagers Victoria Falls special chapter, colour wildlife section. Incorporating 412 traveller tips and suggestions.


The Authors Getting StartedItinerariesPeople of Botswna& NamibiaNational Parks & ReservesWildlifeBOTSWANABotswana SmapshotBotswana HistoryBotswana CultueBotswana EnvironmentGaboroneEastern BorswanaNortheastern BotswanaOkavange DeltaNorthwestern BotswanaKalahariBOTSWANA directoryBotswana TransportVictoria FallsNAMIBIANamibia Snapshot Namibia History……




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