
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:盛丹丹 主编  页数:288  


  随着国际间商务交往的愈加频繁,国内掀起了学习商务英语的热潮,而真正实用的商务类图书却很少。应广大读者的要求,我们推出了这套《商务英语步步赢》。本套丛书采用独特的“点、线、面”结合的思维模式,邀请众多外教和商界成功人士并联手明星级BEC培训教师齐力打造双语“情景灌输”的学习方法。这套书不仅为正在从事着或即将从事涉外商务活动的人士提供了交流工具,更为BEC、雅思以及托业考生提供了应试宝典。  《词不离境赢天下》把商务考试和商务谈判中的高频词汇(点)融入到一个实际的情境(面)之中,在一个完整的情景对话中,重点提出这些词汇,进行系统地扩展学习,由此词汇再进行8倍、10倍、20倍等的拓展速记,并列举大量例句(线),加深记忆。本书还把BEC考试和实际商务应用中的高频词汇进行了拓展,真正地实现了触类旁通,事半功倍。全书分为6章20个单元,包括合作开端、讨论价格、订购货物、运送货物、风险与纷争、合作方式等商务场景。该书简化了一些商务情景下冗长难懂的词汇和句子,例句全部是商务活动中最典型和具有代表性的句子,目的是使读者在学习商务词汇的同时,通过大量实用例句的输入,提高应试语感和商务交际能力。  《万用句典赢天下》特点是“急用”、“全面”,是此套丛书的“线”。全书分为7章59个单元300多个情景小话题,包含商务接待、市场营销、有关展会、对外贸易、商务谈判、商务会议、人力资源等内容。本书对商务场景中可能会遇到的种种句子,进行全面、系统的概括,可以随查随用。虽然是“线”的积累,但是相信这种经纬纵横的交错,可以网罗商务场景下的所有实战经典句!




Chapter 1 Business Reception 商务接待Unit 1 Picking Up the Client at the Airport机场接人Unit 2 Accommodating the Client安排住所Unit 3 Factory Tours参观工厂Unit 4 Entertaining the Client款待客户Unit 5 Presenting Gift礼尚往来Unit 6 Seeing Off the Client送别客户Chapter 2 Business Marketing 市场营销Unit 1 Market Research市场调研Unit 2 Advertising and Promotion广告宣传Unit 3 Product Launch产品发布Unit 4 Promoting Sales产品促销Unit 5 After-Sale Service售后服务Unit 6 Sale and Distribution销售情况Chapter 3 About Exhibition 有关展会Unit 1 Planning an Exhibition会展筹划Unit 2 Preparation for Exhibition展前准备Unit 3 Reception at the Hall展台接待Unit 4 After the Show展后事宜Unit 5 Attending the Trade Show参加外展Chapter 4 Foreign Trade 对外贸易Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations建立商贸关系Unit 2 Calling for Bids and Tenders招标与投标Unit 3 Inquiry,Quotation and Counter-Offer询盘、报盘和还盘Unit 4 Order and Delivery订购与交货Unit 5 Logistics and Transportation物流运输Unit 6 Barter Trades易货贸易Unit 7 Compensation Trade补偿贸易Unit 8 Processing Trade加工贸易Unit 9 Trade Mark,Copyright and Patent商标、版权和专利Unit 10 Letter of Credit信用证Unit 11 Credit and Financing信贷与融资Unit 12 Customs Entries and Duties海关申报及关税Unit 13 Import and Export进口与出口Chapter 5 Business Negotiation 商务谈判Unit 1 Price价格Unit 2 Quality and Quantity质量和数量Unit 3 Commission佣金Unit 4 Packing包装Unit 5 Agency代理Unit 6 Insurance保险Unit 7 Shipment装运Unit 8 Payment支付Unit 9 Technology Transfer技术转让Unit 10 Contract Terms合同条款Unit 11 Establishing Joint Venture合资企业Unit 12 Claims索赔Unit 13 Arbitration仲裁Unit 14 Inspection商品检验Chapter 6 Conference and Meeting 商务会议Unit 1 Arranging for the Meeting安排会议Unit 2 Setting Agenda设定议程Unit 3 Beginning the Meeting会议开始Unit 4 Free Discussion会议讨论Unit 5 Presentation演讲Unit 6 Closing the Meeting结束会议Unit 7 After the Conference会后事务Unit 8 Making Appointment订约会Chapter 7 Human Resources 人力资源Unit 1 Employment and Interviewing求职面试Unit 2 Signing an Employee Contract签订劳动合同Unit 3 Staff Training员工培训Unit 4 Promotion and Demotion升职与降职Unit 5 Personnel Transfer人事调动Unit 6 Fire,Quit and Retirement解雇、辞职与退休Unit 7 Salary and Bonus 工资与奖金


  请注意我们的保险范围只是发票金额的110%。  ·The HCC offers a full range of financial and insurance services worldwide.  中国人民保险公司在全球范围内提供全面的金融保险服务。  ·We usually insure the goods against All Risks and War Risk for 110%of the invoice value.  我们通常按发票金额1 10%投保一切险和战争险。  ·Our insurance company is a state—operated enterprise enjoying high prestige in settling claims promptly and equitably.  我们的保险公司是国营企业,在及时索赔和公正处理上声誉颇佳。  ·For transaction concluded on a CIF basis,we usually effect insurance with the People’S Insurance Company of China against All Risks.  对于以到岸价成交的生意,我们通常向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。  ·Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance,extra premium is for buyer’S account.  因为保险费率随保险范围而定,额外保险费由买方支付。  ·If you desire US to insure against a special risk,an extra premium will have to be charged.  如果你方需要我方投保特殊险,则需要支付额外保险费。  ·There are three basic covers,namely,Free from Particular Average,With Particular Average and All Risks.  主要条款有平安险、水渍险和综合险三种。  ·Will you please quote your terms for providing the required cover,which should include loading and discharging.9  敬请报告贵方客户指定的保险收费条件,包括货物装卸费在内。  ·Please send US the insurance policy together with your receipt for the premiums paid as soon as possible.  请尽快寄保单及已支付的保险费收据。  ·The consignee should apply immediately for survey to the surveying agent or the claim settling agent.  收货人应该立即向验货代理或理赔代理申请货物检验。  ·The rates vary with the nature of the goods,the degree of cover desired and the place of destination.  保险费率要根据商品性质、所要投保的范围以及目的地而有所不同。


  情景应用BEC高频词汇  一网打尽职场经典句型  真实再现谈判桌前锋芒  妙语连珠搞定商务公文  点线面层层递进步步为营



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