
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:中国物资出版社  作者:钱叶梅,龚红霞 编著  页数:352  


  “物流”概念于20世纪70年代末引入我国,90年代中期开始出现“物流热”。进入21世纪以来,即“十五”期间,我国现代物流跨越了“起步期”,进入了“理性、务实、持续、快速发展”的新阶段。我国的《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》第四篇“加快发展服务业”之第十六章“拓展生产性服务业”里,将“大力发展现代物流业”单列一节,这在我国国民经济和社会发展规划史上是第一次,标志着现代物流的产业地位在国家规划中得以确立。  众所周知,物流概念源于美国。许多新兴的物流管理理念、管理方法以及管理技术都出自欧美及日




Chapter 1 An Introduction to Logistics  1.1 Basic knowledge preparing    1.1.1 History    1.1.2 What is logistics    1.1.3 Evolution of the logistics management concept  1.2 Logistics system    1.2.1 Elements of logistics    1.2.2 Activities of logistics system  1.3 The new logistics management paradigm    1.3.1 The internet B2B economy    1.3.2 Reverse logistics    1.3.3 Real-time logistics event management    1.3.4 Technology solutions provide visibility  Words and terms  Notes  Exercises  After-class readingChapter 2 Customer Service 2.1 Surroundings introduction  2.1.1 The marketing perspective  2.1.2 Quality of service  2.1.3 Case study  2.1.4 Customer loyalty 2.2 Basic knowledge preparing  2.2.1 The role of customer service  2.2.2 Concept of customer service  2.2.3 The components of customer service  2.2.4 Customer service policy 2.3 Service level  2.3.1 Defining customer service objectives  2.3.2 Service level and cost  2.3.3 Setting service standards  2.3.4 Measuring customer service Words and terms Notes Exercises After-class ReadingChapter 3 Warehouse Management 3.1 Basic knowledge preparing  3.1.1 The role of warehouses  3.1.2 Types of warehouse or distribution  3.1.3 Warehouse operations  3.1.4 The functionality of warehouse 3.2 Warehouse management  3.2.1 Warehouse costs  3.2.2 Warehouse decision  3.2.3 Objective and principles of good warehouse design and management  3.2.4 Strategic issues affecting warehousing  3.2.5 Modem warehouse Words and terms Notes Exercises After-class readingChapter 4 Inventory 4.1 Basic knowledge preparing  4.1.1 Role of inventory and functionality  4.1.2 Types of stock-holding  4.1.3 Inventory costs  4.1.4 Inventory goals 4.2 Inventory replenishment systems  4.2.1 Reorder quantities  4.2.2 Demand forecasting 4.3 Inventory management  4.3.1 Problems with traditional approaches to inventory planning  4.3.2 Different inventory requirements  4.3.3 The lead-time gap  4.3.4 The problems of high levels of inventory and the approache:  4.3.5 Analyzing time and inventory Words and terms Notes Exercises After-class readingChapter 5  TransportationChapter 6  Logistics InformationChapter 7  Supply Chain ManagementChapter 8  Logistical StrategyChapter 9  Outsourcing LogisticsChapter 10  International LogisticChapter 11  Global LogisticsChapter 12  Performance Measurement in Supply ChainChapter 13  New Directions in LogisticsGlossary References


  Material flow was thought to be a process that involved horizontal movement of inventory from the time the raw material was delivered until the time when an account receivable was recorded by the firm ( a sale made and the product shipped) . Emphasis wa






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