
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:Jane Goldman 著,李维屏 导读  页数:157  




作者:(美国)戈德曼 (Goldman.J.)


PrefaceAbbreviationsChapter 1 Life1882-1909The 1910sThe 1920s1930-1941Chapter 2 ContextsBiographiesBloomsburyWider historical and political contextsModern and contemporary cultural contextsChapter 3 WorksWoolf's fictionWoolf's nonfictionOther essaysChapter 4 Critical receptionIntroductory readingCritical receptionContemporary reviews and the 1940s:innovation, experimentalism, impressionismThe 1950s and 1960s: philosophy,psychology, mythThe 1970s and 1980s: feminism, androgyny,modernism, aestheticsThe 1980s: feminism, postmodernism,sexual/textual politicsThe 1990s to the present: feminism,historicism, postcolonialism, ethicsNotesGuide to further readingIndex


It is quite a responsibility to relate even the bare facts of Virginia Wolf's life, given the sometimes explosively diverging accounts of it in circulation. There are numerous published biographies of Wolf, as well as various collective Bloomsbury ones, a number of which will be briefly considered in Chapter Two. And sketches and snippets concerning Wool's life crop up in all sorts of places, from Hollywood films to fashion magazine spreads. Leaving aside for the moment such fleeting, and often wholly misleading, cultural apron- privations of Woof's life and persona, each serious biography presents Wolof in a different light, and some offer quite differing views of everything from her writing habits to her relationships, her sexuality, her illness and her suicide. The daughter of the literary biographer Leslie Stephen, and close friend of the innovative biographer of the Victorians, Lynton Strachey, Woolf herself put forward, in 'The New Biography (1927) (reviewing work by another biographer acquaintance, Harold Nicholson), her own memorable theory of biography, encapsulated in her phrase granite and rainbow.Truth she envisions as something of granite-like solidity, and personality as something of rainbow-like intangibility, and the aim of biography, she pro- poses, is to weld these two into one seamless whole (E4 473). The following short biographical account of Woolf will attempt to keep to the basic granite- like facts that Woolf novices need to know, while also occasionally attending in brief to the more elusive, but equally relevant, matter of rainbow-like personality. Woolf did not publish - or indeed, writea formal autobiography, but she did write, for her own circle of Bloomsbury intimates, a number of brief memoirs, reminiscences and autobiographical sketches, most of which have been published posthumously.






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