
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:航空工业出版社  作者:[印] 库玛尔, [印] 德雷姆 编,徐元铭 译  页数:553  译者:徐元铭  


  The idea of compiIing an Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation came to me a few days before my retirement from the Indian Air Force which I had the privilege to serve for nearly four decades.During one of the discussions, I had a difference of opinion with one of my colleagues regarding the exact meanings of the words of aircraft and airplane and the difference between them, if any. I had been using these words for over half a century and had taken it for granted that these were synonyms. How wrong was I? To clear my mind, I decided to look for their meaning in some  dictionary dealing with aviation and aeronautical terms. To my surprise, I did not come across any good dictionary in the libraries I visited at that time. Subsequently, I did come across a number of dictionaries dealing with aviation but found that they did not cover all the disciplines. I, therefore,decided that after hanging up my uniform, I would compile a dictionary that would cover every facet of aviation. This work is a result of that resolve and I sincerely hope that it will prove to be a useful reference material to the aviation fraternity.  A mere definition is not always enough to comprehend the exact meaning of some terms. I therefore decided to add some explanation to such definitions. I also realized that comprehension is far better and the meanings of terms can be more easily understood if they are accompanied by suitable illustrations. Accordingly, I have included illustrations for most of the terms in this dictionary.  I have attempted to cover almost the entire spectrum of aviation viz. aerodynamics, navigation,including astro navigation, air traffic control, aviation medicine, meteorology, aircraft equipment and maintenace, aerial photography, avionics, aircraft operation, including civil and combat aircracft, and generally other areas that concern aviation. The terms and definitions mentioned in the dictionary give the meaning as they are referred to in aviation circles but not necessarily in other disciplines. Since the canvas was very large, deciding what to include and what to leave out was a major task. Most of the terms are in current usage, though some obsolete terms have been included as the readers may come across them in various texts. However, not included are terms related to aerospace, missiles, and satellites as it would have increased the scope of the dictionary manifold. Similarly, terms relating to combat aviation have been somewhat restricted. Combat pilots may find that they do not have all they would have liked to see.  It is not possible to include all terms, as firstly, the size of the book would have been enormous and secondly, it would have been necessary to stop at some point and evaluate the latest and emerging terms for their acceptance as commonly used ones. The problem of acronyms was even greater.Many volumes would be required to include all of them and even then some would need to be left out as new ones are being coined every day. Therefore, I have been selective here as well and have included only those acronyms which are used often.  Some of the definitions are standard, some have been adapted, and some are my own.


《英汉航空图解词典》为《An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation》的中文版,共收录词条约7400个,包含图释约2400幅,覆盖面较宽,涉及航空航天各专业领域的英文技术词汇,涵盖航空器、航天器、动力系统、仪器仪表、机载设备、航空测绘、导航、空管、机场、维修、天文、气象、航空医学等军用航空、民用航空以及通用航空的各方面。本词典可以作为专业参考书和辅助学习工具,适合从事航空航天相关工作的科研人员、工程技术人员以及院校师生等参考使用。




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用户评论 (总计29条)


  •   一直盼望有图解的英汉航空词典。在深大图书馆看到,深圳书城没有。在当当搜到,下单。一个印度人编撰的。图解很专业,而且解释非常详细。注重的是汉语的解释。
  •   感觉这种书只对航空专业大一大二的国际班本科生有帮助,因为主要是图解为主,其实单词并不多,对于业余爱好者感觉作用不大
  •   如果你是这行的,航空英文你懂的,很重要
  •   刚拿到手,浏览了一下,信息量还是非常大的,对航空爱好者很有裨益,这下我看国家地理杂志的空中浩劫原版片就不慌了~~哈哈~~
  •   非常专业的词典,解释到位,图解很清楚,检索也非常方便,翻译的好帮手,很满意
  •   直至不错,内容很全面,有图解!~有点稍贵,毕竟是专业工具书
  •   此书非常适合英翻汉的翻译工作者使用!
  •   帮我考过了专英,不错…
  •   适合业内人士阅读
  •   刚入模型行业的时候买的这个书,很赞,各个词都有注释。要是有英文版就更赞了。
  •   解释很详尽,插图也比较多,对于爱好者还是不错的选择
  •   比其他地方是要便宜很多的 !
  •   就是没钱 有钱一定要买本
  •   书很好,插图和解释都还能到位,唯一不足的是收词量比较小。
  •   真的非常好啊 我如获珍宝。 如果有配套英文版光盘就更好了
  •   我是帮我表弟买的,他是一个15岁的孩子,他说这本书对他帮助非常大,简单明了,一看就懂,解释很详细。
  •   书很好的,平时嫌贵,这次当当上市满1年,有优惠才狠下心来出血,不过知识无价。
  •   用起来很方便快捷,而且非常形象的认知
  •   对我来说用处太大了,同事也喜欢
  •   333333333333333333333333333
  •   这本书很适合航空的相关技术从业人员,信息量很大,图示很清楚.如果对每个单词的释义也有英文做对照就好了,这个稍微有点遗憾.
  •   若有音标就更完美了~
  •   本来以为应该是和专业的一本航空英语词典,结果感觉跟普通词典差不多,外行或者一般学习者用用可以,对专业维修人员没有很大帮助
  •   相当不错的词典
  •   英汉航空图解词典
  •   图解字典
  •   书是正版,就是快递慢了
  •   这个是相当的专业了
  •   内容看起来比较专业

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