
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:赫尔曼·阿吉斯  页数:275  字数:436000  




Psychology in Human Resource Management(与Wayne F.
Cascio教授合著)和Regression Analysis for Categorical
Moderators两本书,在Academy of Management Journal、Academy of Management
Review、Applied Psychology Journal等学术期刊上发表论文90多篇。


第Ⅰ篇 绩效管理的战略性考虑及总体考虑
第1章 绩效管理与报酬体系
第2章 绩效管理过程
第3章 绩效管理与战略规划
第Ⅱ篇 绩效管理体系的实施
第4章 绩效的定义及衡量绩效的方法
第5章 结果和行为的衡量
第6章 绩效信息的收集
第7章 绩效管理体系的实施
第Ⅲ篇 员工开发
第8章 绩效管理与员工开发
第9章 绩效管理技能
第Ⅳ篇 报酬体系、法律问题和团队绩效管理
第10章 报酬体系与法律问题
第11章 团队绩效管理


版权页:   1.7 INTEGRATOON WITH OTHER HuMAN REsouRCESAND DEvELOPMENT ACTOVOTOEs Performance management systems serve as important"feeders"to other humanresources and development activities.For example,consider the relationship betweenperformance management and training.Performance management provides informa-tion on developmental needs for employees.In the absence of a good performancemanagement system,it is not clear that organizations will use their training resources inthe most efficient way(i.e.,to train those who most need it in the most critical areas).One organization that is able to link its performance management system to traininginitiatives is Kimberly-Clark.58 Kimberly-Clark's global performance management sys-tern includes about 57,000 employees across 36 countries(http://www.kimberly-clark.com/ourcompany/overview.aspx).This system makes a clear link between perform-ance and training.allows employees to understand areas that need to be improved,anddirects them to appropriate opportunities to enable improvements in perfornlance.Forexample,in Peru,Kimberly-Clark has partnered with the National Service ofOccupational Training in Industry(Senati),a local technical institute.to provide train-ing on manufacturing skills.Kimberly-Clark reached a similar agreement in Malaysiawith the Universitv College of Tun Hussein Onn.Similarly,there is a training partner inKorea.The beneficial link between performance management and training became evi-denced recently in the Korean operations,where the newspaper Dong-A Ilbo namedYuhan-Kimberly one of“the 30 most respected companies in Korea."





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  •   非常好的一本关于绩效管理的书,专业性很强
  •   为他人买的,觉得可可以
  •   书皮上都是灰。其他都好。
  •   绩效管理对于很多企业是个不容易操作的管理实务,本书内容略显粗浅,大多为概念性的阐述,实务性不强。从事人力资源管理和团队管理的人士可将此书当做入门级读物,了解一下概念。
  •   老师推荐看的,买了看还不错
  •   干活的时候空下来就开始翻翻。大致跟想象中的理念差不多。革命尚未成功,小徒仍需努力。

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